On the Border: Framing Migration Interconnectivity between States and Societies as Diaspora or Transnationalism? A Response Formulated through Interdisciplinary Lenses

Bello, Valeria, "On the Border: Framing Migration Interconnectivity between States and Societies as Diaspora or Transnationalism? A Response Formulated through Interdisciplinary Lenses" in Migration Across Boundaries : Linking Research to Practice and Experience ed. Bloom, Tendayi (London: Routledge, 2015), 11-28.

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Author Bello, Valeria
    Book Editor Bloom, Tendayi
    Chapter Title On the Border: Framing Migration Interconnectivity between States and Societies as Diaspora or Transnationalism? A Response Formulated through Interdisciplinary Lenses
    Book Title Migration Across Boundaries : Linking Research to Practice and Experience
    Publication Date 2015
    Place of Publication London
    Publisher Routledge
    Start page 11
    End page 28
    Language eng
    Abstract Migration and human mobility have long been assigned to the margins of contemporary political philosophy. In recent years, however, political theorists from different schools of thought are increasingly asking what obligations are owed to different groups of foreigners residing on a given state territory, and how the presence and practices of migrants challenge state-centric concepts like citizenship. It combines political theory and empirical political sociology in order to develop normative and critical concepts through situated analyses of the grievances and struggles of migrants and citizens. This chapter argues that this calls for more attention to methods and cross-disciplinary research avenues. It argues that inviting and analysing migration stories enables us to explore how border crossing and the claiming, loss, and reinterpretation of rights and membership are given meaning as lived experiences and political practices. The chapter illustrates the approach by drawing on interviews with transnational family migrants in the Danish-Swedish border region focusing on a story of 'performative citizenship'.
    Copyright Holder The Editors
    Copyright Year 2015
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9781472440495
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    Created: Wed, 16 Sep 2015, 10:39:26 JST