The Discriminatory Effect of Restrictive Emigration Policies on Female Migrants
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Sub-type Research report Author Pescinski, Janina Title The Discriminatory Effect of Restrictive Emigration Policies on Female Migrants Series Title Female Agency, Mobility and Sociocultural Change (Policy Report Series 3) Volume/Issue No. 3/3/2015 Publication Date 2015 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Language EN Abstract Considering the prominence of both migration and gender equality on the international agenda, this policy report examines how restrictive emigration policies discriminate against women. Gender equality has been highlighted as a priority for the Sustainable Development Goals, and given that migration can serve as a route of economic and social empowerment to women it is essential to consider these topics in conjunction. It is particularly important for states to consider how emigration policies impact women, often restricting their possibilities to migrate for employment. The human rights of migrants must be protected, however this is often used as a justification for preventing migrants, particularly women, from leaving countries of origin for fear that they will be exploited in destination countries. Drawing on case studies of restrictive policies in selected countries, this report concludes that restrictive policies not only violate women’s rights, but also fail to protect them from exploitation, an often- stated justification for such policies. As such, this policy report aims to provide recommendations highlighting measures that will eliminate discriminatory emigration restrictions while better protecting women throughout the migration process.
UNU Topics of Focus Migration Keyword Migration
Female agencyCopyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2015 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISSN 24122173 -
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