Extended report: Global Migration Governance Performance - A Decade of Change
Sub-type Research report Author Bloom, Tendayi Title Extended report: Global Migration Governance Performance - A Decade of Change Series Title Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02) Volume/Issue No. 2/7/2015 Publication Date 2014 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Language EN Abstract This report offers a brief selective overview of the past decade’s developments in global migration governance. It looks at how the coming together of three types of participants (States, civil society and international organizations) has constructed a new type of debate, with new sets of terms. It examines how these changes have affected international civil society interested in migration, both in driving civil society movement formation, and in civil society engagement with governmental debates. To do this, it analyzes the meaning of civil society and traces how civil society engagement has developed. It presents three moments of change: 2006, 2011 and 2013 and considers key associated processes. This helps to establish ongoing priorities. The report uses: desk-based analysis, participation at key events between 2012 and 2014, as well as semi-structured interviews in 2014. Rather than aiming to be comprehensive, it offers an illustrative overview. It concludes with some recommendations for moving forward.
UNU Topics of Focus Migration Keyword Refugees and sattelessness
MigrationCopyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2014 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISSN 23124024 -
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