Transnationalism and New Media: Transcontinental Migrants and Interconnectivity of Cultures
Bello, Valeria (2014). Transnationalism and New Media: Transcontinental Migrants and Interconnectivity of Cultures. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM.
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Sub-type Research report Author Bello, Valeria Title Transnationalism and New Media: Transcontinental Migrants and Interconnectivity of Cultures Series Title Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02) Volume/Issue No. 2/5/2015 Publication Date 2014 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Pages 20 Language EN Abstract Since the early 1990s, transnationalism has been a strongly debated topic in political, social and economic sciences. This report aims to illustrate that, in the interest of everyone, also for those issues arising for migrants as individuals, policy-makers need to take into account new ameliorating practices to help improve integration. In particular, new technologies seem to offer further opportunities to improve immigrants’ integration. This report suggests the idea that local governments should consider fair access to new technologies as a priority and national governments should also invest in this direction through external aid programs and external relations policies.
Keyword Migration
Refugees and statelesness
New media
IntegrationCopyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2014 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISSN 23124024 -
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