The Need for Water as Energy Storage for Better Integration of Renewables

Hülsmann, Stephan, Harby, Atle and Taylor, Richard (2015). The Need for Water as Energy Storage for Better Integration of Renewables. Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES).

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  • Sub-type Policy brief
    Author Hülsmann, Stephan
    Harby, Atle
    Taylor, Richard
    Editor Ahrens, Rachel
    Title The Need for Water as Energy Storage for Better Integration of Renewables
    Series Title Policy Brief
    Volume/Issue No. 01/2015
    Publication Date 2015
    Place of Publication Dresden
    Publisher United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES)
    Pages 8
    Language eng
    Abstract Water as energy storage, when managed in a holistic way, has to take other uses of water and of water infrastructure into consideration. The close inter-linkage of water with energy and food security requires a nexus approach to managing the underlying resources, water and soil in the first place, but also waste. The water-energy nexus is one important “branch” of this multi-dimensional nexus and the particular role of hydropower for balancing variability of other renewables and for storing energy adds yet another facet to it. The planning, operation and management of storage or pumped storage hydropower, besides addressing new challenges imposed by the required shift to renewable energies, thus needs to adopt a nexus perspective. Exploring how to make use of synergies and minimize trade-offs between competing water uses is a scientific task, but even more a question of governance. Some case studies clearly show the opportunities of water as energy storage while considering other water uses. However, much more remains to be done and policy has to provide the framework and incentives to facilitate further progress.This policy brief aims to highlight some of the issues which need to be considered when developing water as energy storage for better integration of renewables.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES)
    Copyright Year 2015
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9783944863146
    DOI 10.53325/DCMP7750
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    Created: Tue, 25 Aug 2015, 00:29:40 JST by Claudia Matthias on behalf of UNU FLORES