International Criminal Accountability and Children’s Rights
Popovski, Vesselin and Arts, Karin (2006). International Criminal Accountability and Children’s Rights. United Nations University Press.
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Author Popovski, Vesselin
Arts, KarinTitle International Criminal Accountability and Children’s Rights Volume/Issue No. 4 Publication Date 2006-04-27 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher United Nations University Press Pages 7 Language eng Abstract This document is based on a forth- coming book that unites two broad international themes: international criminal accountability and children’s rights. The book examines how a child- rights approach has been gradually inserted into the practice of international tribunals. Child victims should be entitled to no less justice than adults. However, to testify on war crimes and be questioned in courtrooms may add to—not relieve—children’s trauma. Children can both suffer from and commit atrocity crimes. The book discusses the dilemma of child soldiers, who could be perpetrators of war crimes but are also victims of forceful recruitment, which is in itself a war crime. It demonstrates the growing child-protection culture at the UN and the cooperation among its agencies in combating the recruitment of child soldiers. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2006 Copyright type Creative commons ISSN 1814802 ISBN 9280830171
9789280830170 -
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