War in Our Time: Reflections on Iraq, Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction

Thakur, Ramesh (2007). War in Our Time: Reflections on Iraq, Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction. United Nations University Press.

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  • Author Thakur, Ramesh
    Title War in Our Time: Reflections on Iraq, Terrorism and Weapons of Mass Destruction
    Volume/Issue No. 4
    Publication Date 2007-04-08
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher United Nations University Press
    Pages 7
    Language eng
    Abstract n this policy brief, based on the book with the same title, Ramesh Thakur argues that Iraq confi rms that, as with terrorism, a war of aggression is an unacceptable tactic no matter how just the cause. What was meant as an awesome demon- stration of limitless American might and willpower turned out to prove the limits of American power in defeating even a small band of insur- gents fi ghting urban warfare with their own bodies as the primary weapon-delivery system. The fallout with respect to Iran suggests that the United Nations cannot contemp- tuously be brushed aside as irrele- vant and disposable in one crisis, only to be lifted out of the rubbish bin of history, dusted off and put to use in another.
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2007
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 1814802
    ISBN 9789280830
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