Developing a GCIO system: enabling good government through e-leadership
Sub-type Conference paper Author Auffret, Jean-Pierre
Estevez, Elsa
Marcovecchio, Ignacio
Janowski, TomaszTitle Developing a GCIO system: enabling good government through e-leadership Publication Date 2010 Place of Publication Puebla Publisher ACM Press Pages 6 Title of Event 11th Annual Conference on Digital Government Research (DG.O 2010) Date of Event 2010/05/17-20 Place of Event Puebla Language eng Abstract Electronic Government (e-Government) has the potential to contribute to the good government agenda through citizen engagement, effective service delivery and improved efficiency in government. However, realizing this potential is dependent on strong Technology Leadership (e-Leadership) realized through executive IT leaders and Government Chief Information Officers (GCIOs). The paper presents the motivation for e-Leadership and GCIOs, introduces the evolving role of GCIOs, and discusses the main components of GCIO systems, such as readiness assessment, legal and regulatory frameworks, institutions, and education and development. It also presents and analyzes the experiences of five countries in establishing GCIO systems including regulatory frameworks, capacity-building programs, organizational support and national mechanisms and policies to coordinate GCIO efforts through cross-agency institutions and programs. Learning from such experiences, the paper proposes a step by step framework for instituting a GCIO system in the public sector.
Copyright Holder ACM Press Copyright Year 2010 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9781450300704 -
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