The Internationalization of Chinese and Indian Firms: Trends, Motivations and Policy Implications

Kapur, Sandeep and Athreye, Suma (2009). The Internationalization of Chinese and Indian Firms: Trends, Motivations and Policy Implications. United Nations University.

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  • Author Kapur, Sandeep
    Athreye, Suma
    Title The Internationalization of Chinese and Indian Firms: Trends, Motivations and Policy Implications
    Publication Date 2009-08-31
    Place of Publication Maastricht
    Publisher United Nations University
    Pages 7
    Language eng
    Abstract The rapid rise in the overseas investments of Indian and Chinese firms has attracted widespread attention in recent years. To a large extent, the growing internationalization of these emerging economies has been driven by a search for resources, technology and related assets. What are the implications of this for foreign direct investment policy in both the source and the recipient countries? Furthermore, how will the ongoing global financial crisis affect the continued expansion of multinationals from the two countries, which have relied on international markets to fund their investments?
    Copyright Holder United Nations University
    Copyright Year 2009
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 18148026
    ISBN 9789280830675
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