Research Into Use: Investigating the Relationship between Agricultural Research and Innovation
Hall, Andy, Dijkman, Jeroen and Sulaiman, Rasheed (2010). Research Into Use: Investigating the Relationship between Agricultural Research and Innovation. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Hall, Andy
Dijkman, Jeroen
Sulaiman, RasheedTitle Research Into Use: Investigating the Relationship between Agricultural Research and Innovation Publication Date 2010 Place of Publication Maastricht, NL Publisher UNU-MERIT Pages 46 Abstract This paper sets out an analytical framework for doing research on the question of how to use agricultural research for innovation and impact. Its focus is the Research Into Use programme sponsored by the UK's Department for International Development (DFID). This is one example of a new type of international development programme that seeks to find better ways of using research for developmental purposes. The main analytical approach draws on contemporary innovation perspectives and focuses on understanding the ways in which the process of research is used, rather than only on how research products are transferred and adopted. It argues that there is a diversity of ways of organising innovation appropriate to different market, social, technological, institutional and policy niches. The framework developed in the paper is used to frame questions that will help RIU in its quest to provide practical policy with selection guidance in choosing the right sort of innovation support strategies for particular requirements of different niches at different points in the innovation trajectory. Keyword Agricultural research
Agricultural innovation
Innovation systems
Innovation narratives
Public policy
Private investmentJEL N5
Q18Copyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2010 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 18719872 -
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