No Entry without Strategy: Building the Rule of Law under UN Transitional Administration

No Entry without Strategy: Building the Rule of Law under UN Transitional Administration, ed. Bull, Carolyn (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2008).

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  • Editor Bull, Carolyn
    Title No Entry without Strategy: Building the Rule of Law under UN Transitional Administration
    Publication Date 2008
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages xv,315
    Language eng

    For international actors seeking to consolidate peace and democracy in disrupted states, establishing the rule of law has proven frustratingly elusive. UN peace operations have struggled to ensure lasting security against violence and to build legitimate structures to redress disputes peacefully. It has been even harder to instill principles of governance that promote accountability to the law, protect against abuse, and generate trust in the state.In championing such goals, UN state-building missions have pitched against the odds. Beyond the complicated tasks of reforming laws, judiciaries, and police forces, UN officials have confronted a fundamental dilemma: if embedding the rule of law rests on complex political and social transformations regarding conflict, power, and the state, can external actors make a difference?This book investigates the challenges faced by UN transitional administrations in establishing the rule of law in Cambodia, Kosovo, and East Timor. It explores conceptual understandings of the UN's state-building agenda and speaks to broader questions about the role of external actors in disrupted states.

    Copyright Holder UNU Press
    Copyright Year 2008
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280811513
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    Created: Wed, 10 Dec 2014, 13:06:44 JST