Sustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research from Africa and India

Sustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research from Africa and India, ed. Jansky, Libor, Haigh, Martin J. and Prasad, Haushila (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2006).

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  • Editor Jansky, Libor
    Haigh, Martin J.
    Prasad, Haushila
    Title Sustainable Management of Headwater Resources: Research from Africa and India
    Publication Date 2006
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages xvii,287
    Language eng

    Developing countries are rapidly urbanizing and most of the world's population will soon be living in cities, making it crucial to examine how cities can be developed on a sustainable basis. Japan is one of the most urbanized countries in the world and offers a remarkable series of lessons for sustainable urban planning. This book draws together experts from engineering, humanities, social sciences and mental health to introduce Japanese experiences and compare them with international research. Rapid urbanization has damaged natural and human systems in Japan and many planners are seizing upon new technologies and scientific methods as opportunities to restructure cities. However, others are focusing on the well-being of citizens and seeking to make urban society more sustainable. This book examines the tensions between sociological and technological approaches and the dichotomy between planning professionals and civil society.

    Copyright Holder UNU Press
    Copyright Year 2006
    Copyright type Creative commons
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