Chemical Weapons Convention, The: Implementation, Challenges and Opportunities
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Editor Thakur,Ramesh
Haru, EreTitle Chemical Weapons Convention, The: Implementation, Challenges and Opportunities Publication Date 2006 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher UNU Press Pages xi,190 Language eng Abstract The most complex and comprehensive disarmament treaty ever to be adopted, the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is intended to provide robust assurance that chemical weapons will not be developed, produced, stockpiled, used or transferred. To implement and enforce the CWC and verify the ongoing elimination of declared chemical weapons production capacity and stockpiles, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) inspects military and industrial sites in dozens of countries. OPCW membership now embraces over 95 percent of the world's population and 98 percent of the relevant global chemical industry. This book provides an in-depth explanation of the notable achievements of the CWC in a relatively short span since 1997, and examines the issues that must be addressed to ensure the regime's continuing vitality in the context of dynamic changes in the security environment, and in science, industry and technology. Featuring contributions from government and OPCW officials and experts in international law, industry, government and media, this volume highlights the challenges in implementation and assesses and recommends the means necessary to preserve the global ban on chemical weapons perpetually.
Copyright Holder UNU Press Copyright Year 2006 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280811230 -
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