Regional peacekeepers : the paradox of Russian peacekeeping

Regional peacekeepers : the paradox of Russian peacekeeping, ed. Mackinlay, John and Cross, Peter (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2003).

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  • Editor Mackinlay, John
    Cross, Peter
    Title Regional peacekeepers : the paradox of Russian peacekeeping
    Publication Date 2003
    Place of Publication Tokyo
    Publisher UNU Press
    Pages ix, 224 pages
    Language eng

    Despite the disintegration of the Soviet Union during the 1990s, Russia has continued to maintain its longstanding obligations and strategic interests in former Soviet territories. This publication examines Russia's military interventions in regional conflicts to determine whether its role has been genuinely peacekeeping or more a post-imperial presence that seeks to maintain former strategic interests. It includes first hand accounts of the CIS peacekeeping efforts in South Ossetia, Abkhazia, Moldova, and Tajikistan, as well as contemporary assessments of Russian peacekeeping efforts alongside NATO forces, as well as in Chechnya.

    Copyright Holder UNU
    Copyright Year 2003
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISBN 9789280810790
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    Created: Wed, 10 Dec 2014, 15:54:54 JST