International waters in Southern Africa
International waters in Southern Africa, ed. Nakayama, Mikiyasu (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2003).
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Editor Nakayama, Mikiyasu Title International waters in Southern Africa Publication Date 2003 Place of Publication Tokyo Publisher UNU Press Pages ix, 306 pages Language eng Abstract Southern Africa is one of the world's most critical regions in terms of the management of shared water resources. This is due to a number of factors including: the large disparity in the availability of water between the relatively wet northern part of the region and the drier south; and the fact that the first transboundary transfer of water occurred in this region, between Lesotho and South Africa. This book examines both the risks and opportunities for water management in the new political environment in the region. Issues discussed include: the role of public participation, transboundary freshwater treaties; institutional aspects of international water system management; and hydropolitics.
Copyright Holder UNU Copyright Year 2003 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280810776 -
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