A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands
Siegel, Melissa and de Neubourg, Chris (2011). A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author Siegel, Melissa
de Neubourg, ChrisTitle A historical perspective on immigration and social protection in the Netherlands Publication Date 2011 Place of Publication Maastricht, NL Publisher UNU-MERIT Pages 35 Abstract Immigrant access to social protection in the Netherlands has changed quite markedly over time. This paper discusses the changes from an historical perspective and introduces a theoretical framework (the Welfare Pentagon) explaining how immigrants cope with (economic) hardship when they do not have access to formal social protection. The relationship between migrants and social protection in the Netherlands has been and still is marked by asymmetries in entitlements and contributions (taxes). Shifting notions of fairness throughout time to both documented and undocumented migrants are noticed and interpreted. UNU Topics of Focus Migration Keyword Immigration
Social protectionCopyright Holder UNU-MERIT Copyright Year 2011 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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