Interoperable infrastructure for flood monitoring: sensor web, grid & cloud
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Sub-type Journal article Author Kussul, Nataliia
Mandl, Daniel
Moe, Karen
Mund, Jan-Peter
Post, Joachim
Shelestov, Andrii
Skakun, Sergii
Szarzynski, Joerg
Van Langenhove, GuidoTitle Interoperable infrastructure for flood monitoring: sensor web, grid & cloud Appearing in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (J-STARS) Publication Date 2012 Place of Publication Online Publisher IEEE Start page 1740 End page 1745 Language eng Abstract The paper presents an in
ternational multi-disci-
plinary initiative, a Namibia SensorWeb Pilot Project, that was
created as a testbed for evaluati
ng and prototyping key technolo-
gies for rapid acquisition and d
istribution of data products for
decision support systems to monitor
oods. Those key technologies
include SensorWebs, Grids and Computation Clouds. This pilot
project aims at developin
g an operational trans-boundary
management decision support s
ystem for the Southern African
region to provide useful
ood and water-borne disease forecasting
tools for local decisi
on makers. This effort in
tegrates space-based
and ground sensor data along with higher level geospatial data
products to enable risk assessment and ultimately risk maps
related to
ood di
saster management and water-related disease
management. We present an overall architecture of the Pilot
along with components and servic
es being developed. Addition-
ally, case-stu
dies and results achieved so far are discussed. The
presented work is being carried out within GEO 2009–2011 Work
Plan as CEOS WGISS contribution.Copyright Holder IEEE Copyright Year 2012 Copyright type Creative commons -
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