Focusing on the Environment and Human Security Nexus
Bogardi, Janos J., Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos and Sakulski, Dusan, "Focusing on the Environment and Human Security Nexus" in Geophysical hazards: minimizing risk, maximizing awareness series ed. Beer, T. (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer, 2010), 31-39.
Document type:
Book Chapter
Author Bogardi, Janos J.
Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos
Sakulski, DusanBook Editor Beer, T. Chapter Title Focusing on the Environment and Human Security Nexus Book Title Geophysical hazards: minimizing risk, maximizing awareness series Publication Date 2010 Place of Publication Berlin and Heidelberg Publisher Springer Start page 31 End page 39 Language eng Abstract In recent years, UNDP, UN-ISDR, Munich-Re and other institutions have been pointing out the fact that the number of reported disasters as well as the economic losses associated with such disasters have been growing steadily in recent decades. But while in developed countries risk-reduction and risk-transfer mechanisms such as insurance allow citizens to cope with such disasters, the persistence of disasters in developing countries manifests existing incapacities to cope with such events and their impacts. In this context, UNU-EHS is taking a detailed look at the long-range implications of such a trend, particularly highlighting the issue of environmental migration triggered by environmental degradation and disasters. In the scope of the Hyogo Framework of Action (HFA), research activities carried out within UNU-EHS on topics of vulnerability and risk assessment and early warning; as well as complementary activities targeting education and capacity building, may help visualize the link between the Main Theme and the HFA. In concordance with the mission statement of the Institute: “Advancing human security through knowledge-based approaches to reduce vulnerability and environmental risks”; this paper reviews some of the research carried out by UNU-EHS which addresses key research questions like vulnerability assessment in case of tsunamis and floods in Europe and the Indian Ocean; institutional efforts at local, national, and regional levels on early warning and preparedness; the impacts of urbanization on the modification of hazards such as floods and landslides in capital cities of Latin America; and perceptions which may promote or inhibit the establishment of policies and plans to manage existing risks. Such examples should serve to visualize the links between the Main Theme: Minimizing Risk: Maximizing Awareness, and the four key research questions. The paper concludes with a brief outlook concerning the current dilemmas and critical issues which need to be addressed in the context of human security in a changing environment, as well as the supporting role which UNU-EHS may have in researching such critical issues. UNBIS Thesaurus Risk and Vulnerabilities
RISK ASSESSMENTCopyright Holder The Author Copyright Year 2010 Copyright type All rights reserved ISBN 9789048132 DOI 10.1007/978-90-481-3236-2_3 -
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