Flood risk perception and communication within risk management in different cultural contexts: a comparative study between Wuhan, China, and Cologne, Germany.

Shen, Xiaomeng. Flood risk perception and communication within risk management in different cultural contexts: a comparative study between Wuhan, China, and Cologne, Germany.. University of Bonn, 2010.

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  • Sub-type Doctoral thesis
    Author Shen, Xiaomeng
    Title Flood risk perception and communication within risk management in different cultural contexts: a comparative study between Wuhan, China, and Cologne, Germany.
    Year 2010
    University University of Bonn
    Department Geography
    Place of Publication Bonn
    Publisher UNU- EHS
    Pages 193
    Language eng

    This PhD dissertation investigates flood risk perception and communication amongst key institutional stakeholders involved in flood risk management in the different cultural settings of China and Germany. Using qualitative social research methods, this study aims at: first, understanding the discrepancies of risk perceptions between different actors; second, identifying flood risk communication features among flood risk management organizational units and between risk management and the general public; third, comparing the perception and communication characteristics in different cultural contexts; and finally, analysing how differences are embedded in culture and exploring the potential of cross cultural transferability of good practices and its implementation with consideration of cultural diversity.

    Keyword Flood
    Risk perception
    Copyright Holder UNU-EHS
    Copyright Year 2010
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISBN 9783939923381
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