Is the discussion of 'Statelessness' in the UN Security Council a question of human security or international security?
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Sub-type Research report Author Bello, Valeria Title Is the discussion of 'Statelessness' in the UN Security Council a question of human security or international security? Series Title Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02) Volume/Issue No. 2 Publication Date 2013 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Pages 24 Language EN Abstract This report presents the results of both discourse and contents analyses of thirty four documents in which the concept of “Statelessness” appeared, as it developed within the United Nations (UN) Official Documents since 2000, and particularly within those produced by the Security Council (SC). From these analyses, three key phases of discourse emerge. It is evident that the statelessness question was particularly treated as an issue of international security in the years 2004-2007. However, it is concerning that more recently it has been increasingly related to terrorism. The main recommendation emerging from this study is that international organizations, and primarily the United Nations, should ensure that statelessness is firstly and above all seen as a serious problem endangering vulnerable people and not appropriated to the discourse on state security and terrorism.
Keyword Statelessness and transcontinental migration Copyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type Fair use permitted -
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