Intercultural Dialogue” as it developed in the Security Council of the United Nations (2000-2012)
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Sub-type Research report Author Bello, Valeria Title Intercultural Dialogue” as it developed in the Security Council of the United Nations (2000-2012) Series Title Migration, Media and Intercultural Dialogue (Policy Reports Series 01) Volume/Issue No. 3 Publication Date 2013 Place of Publication Barcelona Publisher UNU-GCM Pages 11 Language EN Abstract This report presents the results of both discourse and contents analyses of 75 Security Council documents in which the concept of “Intercultural Dialogue” appeared. The decision to examine the SC documents was driven by how the concept of intercultural dialogue developed in the UN context. This report analyzes the concept of “Intercultural dialogue” (ICD) as it developed within the United Nations (UN) Official Documents since 2000, and particularly within those produced by the Security Council (SC). From this analysis, we would recommend carefully taking into account the different positions that have emerged, within both the European and other contexts, such as Latin America, Africa, China, Russia, and the US. In fact, those differences, which can appear to be merely different formulations of the same concept, instead brought with them different interpretations of the very problematic: that is to say, where the roots of the inter-cultural “clash” lies.
Keyword Migration
Media and intercultural dialogueCopyright Holder UNU-GCM Copyright Year 2013 Copyright type Fair use permitted ISSN 23114690 -
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