The role of vulnerability in risk management
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Sub-type Working paper Author Hossini, Vilma Title The role of vulnerability in risk management Series Title UNU-EHS Working Paper Volume/Issue No. 8 Publication Date 2008 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU- EHS Language eng Abstract Over 20 international young scientists took part in the annual one week interdisciplinary PhD block course for graduate students that was held by UNU-EHS in close cooperation with the Center for Development Research (ZEF) of the University of Bonn to discuss future concepts of risk management and to strengthen their research capabilities. As outcome of the block course the students stressed that more research, training in practical tools and cooperation with other stakeholders is needed to develop risk management further in the future. During the course students discussed how to capture vulnerability, hazard, disaster management and disaster risk management. Within their working groups they developed posters that illustrated their understanding of the connectedness of the topics. At the same time, the posters gave recommendations on the development of concepts and definitions. The students also got input from several lectures that were held by experts from UNU-EHS and other organizations
Keyword Vulnerability
Disaster risk management
Phd blockcourseCopyright Holder UNU-EHS Copyright Year 2008 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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