Nature, society, and population displacement: towards understanding of environmental migration and social vulnerability
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Sub-type Research brief Author Oliver-Smith, Anthony Title Nature, society, and population displacement: towards understanding of environmental migration and social vulnerability Series Title UNU-EHS InterSecTions Volume/Issue No. 8 Publication Date 2009 Place of Publication Bonn Publisher UNU- EHS Language eng Abstract This work focuses on the debate surrounding population displacement and the role that environmental factors may or may not play in driving populations away from their original places of residence.In assessing the driving factors in environmental migration, the author posits that environments are not naturally given entities but human constructed. He also emphasizes that climate change is anthropogenic, and not a natural phenomenon. Further, he points out that since climate change is human caused, nature, or those features and forces characteristic of the non-human, biophysical world, therefore cannot generally be blamed for displacing people. In the light of human driven environmental changes, in particular climate change, which are expected to increasingly displace people, we therefore need to be clear about the nature and origin of the threats.
Keyword Environmental migration
Social vulnerabilityCopyright Holder UNU-EHS Copyright Year 2009 Copyright type All rights reserved ISSN 1814-6430 ISBN 9783939923343 -
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