Anti-desertification Legislation and Ecological Problems in Xinjiang China

Tuoheti, Nurongguli, Abulaiti, Maimaitiaili, Ahmed, Zafar and Maimaiti, Namaitijiang, (2013). Anti-desertification Legislation and Ecological Problems in Xinjiang China. Journal of Politics and Law, 6(3), 160-168

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Tuoheti, Nurongguli
    Abulaiti, Maimaitiaili
    Ahmed, Zafar
    Maimaiti, Namaitijiang
    Title Anti-desertification Legislation and Ecological Problems in Xinjiang China
    Appearing in Journal of Politics and Law
    Volume 6
    Issue No. 3
    Publication Date 2013-08-30
    Place of Publication Toronto, Ontario
    Publisher Journal of Politics and Law
    Start page 160
    End page 168
    Language Engish
    Abstract Desertification (transformation of arable or habitable land to desert) is one of the serious environmental problems and has attracted worldwide attenntion. Apart from its threat on the living environment, desertification has also been an obstacle to social stability and global economy. China the oldest continuous major world civilization, a population of more than 1.3 billion and a territory of 9ᄋ6 million km2 , is one of the most severely desertified countries in the world. Desertification is especially severe in Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region of China. However, the legislation,enforcement and jurisdiction of law in terms of anti-desertification in Xinjiang is seriously flawed, as a result of planned economy and are not consistent with the market economy. Aim of this study is to evaluate the desetification problem in Xinjiang, and analyze the problem of desertification from the perspective of law. This research starts with the investigation of desertification in Xinjiang with reference to legislation and enforcement of law in terms of desertification in other countries. Legislation analysis with regard to the anti-desertification legislation of Xinjiang are discussed. There is no clear delineation of responsibility between administrative and other departments in the current anti-desertification reginal law system in Xinjinag. Reginal legislation lacks systematic protection. The main body of resource management is not clearly defined and regulations concerning financal support are not reasonable. The anti-desertification in Xinjiang lack of support in terms of ecological protection.
    Keyword Xinjiang
    Copyright Holder Authors
    Copyright Year 2013
    Copyright type Creative commons
    DOI 10.5539/jpl.v6n3p160
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