Building Regions from Below: Has Time Come for Regionalism 2.0

Fioramonti, Lorenzo, (2012). Building Regions from Below: Has Time Come for Regionalism 2.0. The International Spectator:Italian Journal of international affairs, 47(1), 151-160

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Fioramonti, Lorenzo
    Title Building Regions from Below: Has Time Come for Regionalism 2.0
    Appearing in The International Spectator:Italian Journal of international affairs
    Volume 47
    Issue No. 1
    Publication Date 2012-04
    Place of Publication Washington DC
    Publisher Routledge
    Start page 151
    End page 160
    Language En
    Abstract In a changing world ridden with crises and characterised by a general redistribution of power, regional organisations need to reinvent themselves. Equally, the study of regionalism has to reject its traditional Eurocentrism to embrace new conceptual categories in order to describe more effectively the variety of regional processes across the world. Against this background, this article looks at the European project and its current crisis before discussing other regional ‘experiments’ in Africa, Asia and Latin America, which rest on different principles but also manifest considerable shortcomings. The analysis points to the need to look at regionalism with a critical eye, emphasizing the undeniably important achievements but also the hidden threats that a certain model of regional integration (for instance, the classical top-down elite-driven process adopted by the EU founding fathers) can pose to the sustainability of regional cohesion and the adaptability of this model to other areas of the world.
    Keyword Regionalism 2.0
    Comparative analysis
    New models
    Citizen-driven governance
    Copyright Holder Routledge
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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    Created: Fri, 18 Apr 2014, 14:59:04 JST