Illegality in settlement heterotopias: a study of frontier governance in the Brazilian Amazon

Otsuki, Kei, (2012). Illegality in settlement heterotopias: a study of frontier governance in the Brazilian Amazon. Environment and Planning D Society and Space, 30(5), 896-912

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Otsuki, Kei
    Title Illegality in settlement heterotopias: a study of frontier governance in the Brazilian Amazon
    Appearing in Environment and Planning D Society and Space
    Volume 30
    Issue No. 5
    Publication Date 2012
    Start page 896
    End page 912
    Abstract It is often argued that various forms of illegality persist in the Brazilian Amazon because of weak frontier governance. However, very little is understood about how this governance can be strengthened in the context of social and spatial change in a way that will counter illegality. Drawing on the concept of heterotopias, as discussed by Michel Foucault, and the life history of an illegal logger in an agrarian reform settlement project in the state of Pará, this paper approaches frontier governance by conceptualising the ‘settlement heterotopia’ as a real, lived-in place in which the space that makes up various state and nonstate actors’ sites of action interact and continually rearrange power relations. This rearrangement process may or may not work to legitimise illegality and, therefore, strengthening frontier governance involves a process by which collaborative power relations emerge and residents decide to work with the state instead of alongside illegality.
    UNU Topics of Focus Governance
    Keyword Illegality
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    Created: Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 17:13:55 JST