Conservation of terraced paddy fields engaged with multiple stakeholders: the case of Noto GIAHS Site in Japan

Qiu, Zhenmian, Chen, Bixia and Takemoto, Kazuhiko, (2013). Conservation of terraced paddy fields engaged with multiple stakeholders: the case of Noto GIAHS Site in Japan. Paddy and Water Environment, 12(2), 275-283

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Qiu, Zhenmian
    Chen, Bixia
    Takemoto, Kazuhiko
    Title Conservation of terraced paddy fields engaged with multiple stakeholders: the case of Noto GIAHS Site in Japan
    Appearing in Paddy and Water Environment   Check publisher's open access policy
    Volume 12
    Issue No. 2
    Publication Date 2013
    Place of Publication Berlin, Heidelberg
    Publisher Springer Japan
    Start page 275
    End page 283
    Language eng
    Abstract Demographic changes, such as aging and depopulation in rural areas, are major reasons for the recent abandonment of the terraced paddy fields in Japan. In addition, the low productivity of terraced paddy fields, due to their small area and the difficulty of using machinery on the plots, further abet this trend. Recent research has shown a growing interest in multifunctional conservation and maintenance of the ecosystem and traditional agro-culture of terraced paddy fields. This paper aims to elaborate on the conservation activities of endangered terraced paddy fields in Japan, by using the case of Shiroyone Senmaida to discuss conservation experience and lessons, and recommend future strategies for adaptive management of the rice terraces under the GIAHS framework, as well as the next necessary steps for research. As an outstanding cultural landscape and tourist attraction in Noto Peninsula, the conservation scheme combining financial support from governmental subsidy, the “owner system” of interaction with urban dwellers, and labor support by conservationist volunteers has contributed to the conservation of traditional farming on Senmaida’s terraced paddy fields. Still, as is the case in other parts of Japan, lack of financial support and an aging farming population threaten conservation of terraced paddy fields in Noto Peninsula.
    Keyword Terraced Paddy Field
    Dynamic conservation
    Disadvantaged area
    Cultural landscapes
    Traditional agriculture
    Multi-stakeholder engagement
    Copyright Holder Springer Japan
    Copyright Year 2013
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 1611-2490
    DOI 10.1007/s10333-013-0387-x
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    Created: Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 11:57:36 JST