City-to-city level cooperation for generating urban co-benefits: the case of technological cooperation in the waste sector between Surabaya (Indonesia) and Kitakyushu (Japan)

Kurniawan, Tonni Agustiono, Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Premakumara, Dickella G.J. and Nagaishi, Masaya, (2013). City-to-city level cooperation for generating urban co-benefits: the case of technological cooperation in the waste sector between Surabaya (Indonesia) and Kitakyushu (Japan). Journal of Cleaner Production, 58 43-50

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Kurniawan, Tonni Agustiono
    Puppim de Oliveira, José A.
    Premakumara, Dickella G.J.
    Nagaishi, Masaya
    Title City-to-city level cooperation for generating urban co-benefits: the case of technological cooperation in the waste sector between Surabaya (Indonesia) and Kitakyushu (Japan)
    Appearing in Journal of Cleaner Production   Check publisher's open access policy
    Volume 58
    Publication Date 2013-11-01
    Place of Publication Amsterdam
    Publisher Elsevier
    Start page 43
    End page 50
    Language eng
    Abstract In recent years, Surabaya has confronted municipal solid waste (MSW) with a partnership with Kitakyushu city for the use of the Takakura Home Composting (THC) method. A large number of Takakura bins have been distributed to households and cadres have been involved in educating local households about organic waste reduction through the method. In the past decade (2005–2013), the city has reduced organic waste through many diverse composting methods such as THC and about 3421 Mt of CO2 equivalent emissions could be reduced annually. By adapting the THC method, Surabaya has made positive changes to its MSW management practices. This kind of city-to-city technological cooperation has facilitated larger processes in other cities in Indonesia and elsewhere. This article discusses the lessons learned pertaining to the adaptation of the THC method in Surabaya to understand how city-to-city cooperation can work to boost climate co-benefits in urban areas, particularly in the waste sector.
    Copyright Holder Elsevier
    Copyright Year 2013
    Copyright type All rights reserved
    ISSN 0959-6526
    DOI 10.1016/j.jclepro.2013.08.002
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    Scopus Citation Count Cited 0 times in Scopus Article
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    Created: Mon, 14 Apr 2014, 11:57:56 JST