Serving Low-income Markets: Rethinking MNCs strategies, in “Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability”, (eds.), Edward Elgar, London, forthcoming 2009 , with Geert Dusyters

"Serving Low-income Markets: Rethinking MNCs strategies, in “Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability”, (eds.), Edward Elgar, London, forthcoming 2009 , with Geert Dusyters" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. G. Duysters, W. Dolfsma and I. Costa ().

Document type:
Book Chapter

  • Book Editor G. Duysters
    W. Dolfsma
    I. Costa
    Chapter Title Serving Low-income Markets: Rethinking MNCs strategies, in “Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability”, (eds.), Edward Elgar, London, forthcoming 2009 , with Geert Dusyters
    Book Title Multinationals and Emerging Economies: the Quest for Innovation and Sustainability
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    Created: Fri, 13 Dec 2013, 17:03:00 JST