Mapping Health Care Innovation: tracing walls and ceilings
den Hertog, Friso, Groen, Marjan and Weehuizen, Rifka (2005). Mapping Health Care Innovation: tracing walls and ceilings. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author den Hertog, Friso
Groen, Marjan
Weehuizen, RifkaTitle Mapping Health Care Innovation: tracing walls and ceilings Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda Volume/Issue No. 7 Publication Date 2005 Place of Publication Maastricht, NL Publisher UNU-MERIT Pages 35 Language eng Abstract Health care is in need of innovation on many strands. Patient-centered care appears to be the key to the realization of the main objectives: service quality, cost reduction, access, patient satisfaction and the quality of working life. Innovation, and more precisely, the diffusion and implementation of new methods, new techniques and new processes and systems appears to be a difficult task. Consequently, there is a strong need for knowledge about innovation processes in health care and the drivers and barriers affecting these efforts. This paper presents a framework for mapping innovation processes in health care services. The framework consists of two axes: (1) the horizontal axis of the health care process and the inter-functional walls which can complicate innovation efforts, and (2) the vertical axis of the echelons of power, which often create ceilings too impermeable to permit effective learning and decision making. The study is based on the experiences gathered in Publin, a running research network supported by the Fifth Framework Program and Innoflex, which ended in 2003. Keyword Analysis of health care markets
Innovation and invention: processes and incentivesJEL I11
O31Copyright Holder n/a Copyright Year 2005 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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