Blending Words & Numbers: Towards a Framework for Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategies for Organizational Research
den Hertog, Friso (2002). Blending Words & Numbers: Towards a Framework for Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategies for Organizational Research. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.
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Sub-type Working paper Author den Hertog, Friso Title Blending Words & Numbers: Towards a Framework for Combining Quantitative and Qualitative Strategies for Organizational Research Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda Volume/Issue No. 21 Publication Date 2002 Place of Publication Maastricht, NL Publisher UNU-MERIT Pages 19 Abstract Blending qualitative and quantitative research methods is widely propagated as a strategy for both quality control and enrichment of organization research. This has been recognized in the organization literature for more than twenty years. However, during the last decade the progress in the practice of research has not been altogether impressive. Ambiguity is one of the key problems in this respect. This paper tries to clarify the discussion on blended methods, by (1) clarifying concepts used to describe blended design, (2) inventoririzing and categorizing the different forms and objectives of blended design, and (3) developing a provisional framework. The study departs from the research practice, the sequences of action in concrete studies. The focus is on research as a process, rather than on specific methods. Finally, the paper suggest some directions for a development program for blending methods. Copyright Holder n/a Copyright Year 2002 Copyright type All rights reserved -
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