The Self-Organisation of Innovation Networks

Pyka, Andreas and Windrum, Paul (2000). The Self-Organisation of Innovation Networks. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT.

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  • Sub-type Working paper
    Author Pyka, Andreas
    Windrum, Paul
    Title The Self-Organisation of Innovation Networks
    Series Title UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda
    Volume/Issue No. 20
    Publication Date 2000
    Publisher UNU-MERIT
    Language eng
    Abstract This paper explores the self-organising principles of horizontally-integrated innovation networks. It isshown that such networks can self-organising in environments where the co-ordination and production ofnew knowledge is itself a complex, dynamic and highly non-linear processes. The paper argues thedevelopment of a self-organisation perspective of innovation networks has two advantages. First, itprovides a general framework of dynamic systems in which different strands of a highly fragmentedliterature can be drawn together. Second, formal self-organisation modelling techniques can provideinteresting new insights into the micro-macro processes driving dynamic innovation systems.Section 1 of the paper identifies the four key principles of self-organisation: local interaction, non-linearity,thermodynamic openness and emergence. Section 2 discusses important complementarities between self-organisationtheory and the 'new' theory of innovation, with the latter's emphasis of the systemic nature ofknowledge production within innovation networks containing multiple private and public institutions thatare connected in highly complicated and non-linear ways. This paves the way for a formal model of self-organisinginnovation networks presented in section 3. Section 4 discusses the main properties of theoutputs generated by the model and its novel insights, section 5 summarising and considering the potentialadvantages for current and future research offered by the self-organisation approach.
    Copyright Year 2000
    Copyright type All rights reserved
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