Bridging the data divide: Unlocking the power of data to address modern slavery
Maha Khan and David Wray (2025). Bridging the data divide: Unlocking the power of data to address modern slavery. United Nations University.
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Author Maha Khan
David WrayTitle Bridging the data divide: Unlocking the power of data to address modern slavery Publication Date 2025-01-29 Place of Publication New York Publisher United Nations University Pages 20 Language eng Abstract Modern slavery and human trafficking (MS/HT) impacts businesses and the finance sector, both within their operations and within their supply chains (up or down). The objective of this paper is to identify the perceived data challenges that investors and businesses face in effectively addressing MS/HT and conducting HRDD; namely data quality and availability, lack of a universal understanding of MS/HT and difficulties measuring, governing and managing data. This paper also identifies the key stakeholders within the MS/HT data ecosystem with the potential to help investors overcome their perceived challenges. Lastly, it offers recommendations to investors and businesses aimed at bridging the perceived data gap and enabling them to effectively address MS/HT. Copyright Holder United Nations University Copyright Year 2025 Copyright type Creative commons ISBN 9789280866438 -
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