Malaysian Hospitals on the Web: a Multi-Criteria Assessment of Official Websites

Sarantis, Demetrios, Musizvingoza, Ronald, Shameeta, Masilamany, Soares, Delfina and Carvalho, Joana, (2024). Malaysian Hospitals on the Web: a Multi-Criteria Assessment of Official Websites. International Journal of Health Sciences, 8(2), 129-144

Document type:

  • Sub-type Journal article
    Author Sarantis, Demetrios
    Musizvingoza, Ronald
    Shameeta, Masilamany
    Soares, Delfina
    Carvalho, Joana
    Title Malaysian Hospitals on the Web: a Multi-Criteria Assessment of Official Websites
    Appearing in International Journal of Health Sciences
    Volume 8
    Issue No. 2
    Publication Date 2024-08
    Place of Publication Indonesia
    Publisher International Journal of Health Sciences
    Start page 129
    End page 144
    Language eng
    Abstract This study thoroughly examines and assesses hospital websites in Malaysia according to a predefined list of indicators and sub-indicators, based on four criteria: Technology Features, Content, Services, and Community Interaction, as defined in the Health Sector Website Assessment Index (HSWAI). A total of 107 Malaysia hospitals were assessed. Private and university hospitals outperform public ones, especially in online appointment management and patient care automation areas. Most hospital websites perform well in the technology features criterion and satisfactorily on content, but show shortcomings in accessibility, reliability, research and teaching, participation, and community interaction elements, and most of them fall short in quality metrics data. Malaysian hospitals should adopt best practices to improve their websites concerning accessibility, reliability, services, and community interaction. The website design should endeavour to include multiple stakeholders, considering people with disabilities, in line with the sustainable development goals of leaving no one behind. Additionally, websites should ensure the dissemination of evidence-based information while taking advantage of social media to reach a wider audience.
    Keyword Assessment
    Copyright Holder International Journal of Health Sciences
    Copyright Year 2024
    Copyright type Creative commons
    ISSN 2550-696X
    DOI 10.53730/ijhs.v8n2.14949
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    Created: Mon, 09 Dec 2024, 19:41:47 JST by Diogo Ruao on behalf of UNU EGOV