World Drought Atlas

Toreti, Andrea, Tsegai, Daniel, Maurer, Tessa, Cremonese, Edoardo, Rossi, Lauro, Wens, Marthe, de Moel, Hans, Sabino Siemons, Anne-Sophie, Acosta Navarro, Juan, Hrast Essenfelder, Arthur, Volpi, Danila, Cotti, Davide, Sparkes, Edward and Hagenlocher, Michael (2024). World Drought Atlas. Publications Office of the European Union.

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  • Sub-type Research report
    Author Toreti, Andrea
    Tsegai, Daniel
    Maurer, Tessa
    Cremonese, Edoardo
    Rossi, Lauro
    Wens, Marthe
    de Moel, Hans
    Sabino Siemons, Anne-Sophie
    Acosta Navarro, Juan
    Hrast Essenfelder, Arthur
    Volpi, Danila
    Cotti, Davide
    Sparkes, Edward
    Hagenlocher, Michael
    Title World Drought Atlas
    Publication Date 2024-12-02
    Place of Publication Luxembourg
    Publisher Publications Office of the European Union
    Pages 177
    Language eng
    Abstract Droughts and risks connected to them are increasing worldwide, due to a combination of climate change and unsustainable practices in the use of our resources. Drought impacts affect our deeply interconnected sectors and systems, which all depend on the availability of water resources to function and provide their services: in fact, over the last decades, drought impacts have shown their disruptive potential not just on agriculture and public water supply, but also on the energy sector, inland navigation and ecosystems, among others. With all these sectors and systems being interconnected, drought risks emerge as very complex to understand and manage. Building on the latest scientific advancements and conceptual developments, the World Drought Atlas provides a detailed overview of existing challenges related to drought risks and impacts, and new insights on the understanding and managing of drought risks. The Atlas is comprised of four parts. Part 1 offers an overview of concepts necessary to understand drought risks and impacts, including a conceptual framework about the systemic nature of drought risks. Part 2 breaks down the specifics of drought risks in five, highly relevant sectors and systems (agriculture, public water supply, hydropower, inland navigation, ecosystems), including novel conceptual models. Moreover, it highlights the cascading effects of sectoral impacts on other risks, such as food security and mobility, and the related Sustainable Development Goals that might be affected. Part 3 provides details analysis of recent drought impacts from more than 20 case studies in all continents. Finally, Part 4 deals with drought risks management and adaptation solutions, showcasing success stories at different scales and introducing new concepts and tools (e.g. pathways).
    Keyword Drought
    Drought risks
    Drought risk management
    Conceptual models
    Copyright Holder European Union and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification
    Copyright Year 2024
    Copyright type Fair use permitted
    ISBN 9789268217887
    DOI 10.2760/3842670
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    Created: Tue, 03 Dec 2024, 00:45:42 JST by Aarti Basnyat on behalf of UNU EHS