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Bergmann, Patrick, Kamarás, Endre, Gleißner, Werner and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Enhanced Cash Flow Valuation in Real Estate Management by Integrating Innovative Materials and Risk Assessment. Sustainability, 12(6), 1-26 659  
Reyes, Sheryl Rose C., Miyazaki, Aya, Yiu, Evonne and Saito, Osamu, (2020). Enhancing Sustainability in Traditional Agriculture: Indicators for Monitoring the Conservation of Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) in Japan. Sustainability, (12), n/a-n/a 647 497
Mattheis, Frank, "Entangled Regions: How Multiple Interregionalisms Reshape Central Africa" in The Africa-Europe Relationship: A Multi-Stakeholder Perspective ed. Marchetti, Raffaele (Abingdon: Routledge, 2020), 157-168. 209  
Subramanian, Suneetha M. and Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, (2020). Environment, Biodiversity, and Planetary Health: Links Between Natural Systems and Human Health. Handbook of Global Health, 1-14 324  
Genna, Gaspare, Birol Yeşilada and Osman Tanrıkulu, "Europe: The EU Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow" in The Rise of Regions - Conflict and Cooperation ed. Jacek Kugler (Lanham: Rowmann & Littlefield, 2020), 77-102. 70  
Twisa, Sekela, Kazumba, Shija, Kurian, Mathew and Buchroithner, Manfred F., (2020). Evaluating and Predicting the Effects of Land Use Changes on Hydrology in Wami River Basin, Tanzania. Hydrology, 7(1), 1-18 264  
M. Ramos, Luís Felipe, "Evaluating privacy during the COVID-19 public health emergency: the case of facial recognition technologies" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25. 204 276
Lameiras, Mariana, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Evidence-based research for Intelligent Governments: Lessons learned from the Justice system" 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19. 643  
Lameiras, Mariana, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya and Soares, Delfina, "Evidence-based research for Intelligent Governments: Lessons learned from the Justice system" The 21st Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2020), Online, 2020/06/15-19. 507  
Junio, Don Rodney and Koopman, Cecile, "Evolving Perspectives on ICTs in Global Souths" IDIA 2020, Macau, March 25–27, 2020. 358  
Carvalho, Joana and Sousa, Rui Dinis, "Exploring the case of a local food bank to understand information technology use in government information networks" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25. 876 352
Ghani, Fatima (2020). Family Planning Strategies across selected Muslim countries: A review to inform Malaysia’s next steps. United Nations University International Institute for Global Health. 270 977
Gao, Xuan, Roder, Giulia, Jiao, Yuanmei, Ding, Yinping, Liu, Zhilin and Tarolli, Paolo, (2020). Farmers’ landslide risk perceptions and willingness for restoration and conservation of world heritage site of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces, China. Landslides, 17 1915-1924 286 150
Forti, Vanessa and Balde, Cornelis P. (2020). First Dutch Battery Flows Monitor – 2020. UNU/UNITAR. 226 55
Backhouse, Judy (2020). Four types of measures for Smart and Sustainable Cities and when to use them. UNU-EGOV Policy Briefs. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV).    
Johnston, Ian and Ippolito, Raffaele, (2020). Fresh air can combat COVID-19. For Italy's most polluted town, in the shadow of a steel mill, opening the windows is not an option.. Business Insider, n/a-n/a 166  
Wimbadi, Ramanditya and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). From decarbonization to low carbon development and transition: A systematic literature review of the conceptualization of moving toward net-zero carbon dioxide emission (1995–2019). Journal of Cleaner Production, 256 n/a-n/a 581  
Huang-Lachmann, Jo-Ting and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). From Dichotomy to an Integrated Approach: Cities’ Benefits of Integrating Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation. Sustainability, 12(18), 1-17 601  
JeongHyun Lee, "인공지능 젠더편향성과 포스트휴먼 주체 [Gender Bias in Artificial Intelligence and Posthuman Subjects]" in AI와 더불어 살기 (Seoul: 커뮤니케이션북스 [Communication Books], 2020), n/a-n/a. 561  
Evertsen, Kathinka Fossum and van der Geest, Kees, (2020). Gender, environment and migration in Bangladesh. Climate and Development, 12(1), 12-22 867 1705
Pascale Allotey and Michelle Remme, (2020). Gender equality should not be about competing vulnerabilities. BMJ Opinion, n/a-n/a 215  
Eimear Ruane-McAteer, Kathryn Gillespie, Avni Amin, Áine Aventin, Martin Robinson, Jennifer Hanratty, Rajat Khosla and Maria Lohan, (2020). Gender-transformative programming with men and boys to improve sexual and reproductive health and rights: a systematic review of intervention studies. BMJ Global Health, 5(10), 1-17 190 100
Adam, Ilke, "Gesloten grenzen: Een uitgelezen kans voor bezinning over een nieuw (EU)-migratiebeleid" in Post Viraal naar een Nieuw Normaal: VUB-stemmen over de impact van Corona op onze samenleving (Brussels: VUB University Press, 2020), 153-156. 68  
Qadir, Manzoor, Drechsel, Pay and Jiménez Cisneros, Blanca, (2020). Global and regional potential of wastewater as a water, nutrient and energy source. Natural Resources Forum, 44(1), 40-51 441  
Khosla, Rajat, Allotey, Pascale and Sofia, Gruskin, (2020). Global health and human rights for a postpandemic world. BMJ Global Health, 1-3 438 121
Meza, Isabel, Siebert, Stefan, Doell, Petra, Kusche, Juergen, Herbert, Claudia, Eyshi Rezaei, Ehsan, Nouri, Hamideh, Gerdener, Helena, Popat, Eklavyya, Frischen, Janna, Naumann, Gustavo, Vogt, Juergen V., Walz, Yvonne, Sebesvari, Zita and Hagenlocher, Michael, (2020). Global-scale drought risk assessment for agricultural systems. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS), 20 695-712 1142 554
Oki, Taikan (2020). Global Targets on Drinking Water. Building the Future of Quality Infrastructure. Asian Development Bank. 204  
Supe, Hitesh, Avtar, Ram, Singh, Deepak, Gupta, Ankita, Yunus, Ali P., Dou, Jie, Ravankar, Ankit A., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Sharma, Vivek, Singh, Chander K., Tutubalina, Olga and Kharrazi, Ali, (2020). Google Earth Engine for the Detection of Soiling on Photovoltaic Solar Panels in Arid Environments. Remote Sensing, 12(9), 1-26 673 252
Tharani Loganathan, Zhie X. Chan and Nicola S. Pocock, (2020). Healthcare financing and social protection policies for migrant workers in Malaysia. PLOS ONE, 15(12), 1-20 175 112
Shari L Dworkin, Magaly Marques, Oswaldo Montoya, Anthony Keedi and Avni Amin, (2020). How can gender transformative programmes with men advance women’s health and empowerment?. BMJ Opinion, n/a-n/a 160  
Sarantis, Demetrios, Soares, Delfina and Carvalho, Joana, "HSWAI: a health sector website assessment instrument" 13th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV 2020), Online, 2020/09/23-25. 633 351
Bekaert, Els, Ruyssen, Ilse and Salomone, Sara, "Human Migration in the Face of Environmental Change: A Global Empirical Approach" in Regional Integration and Migration Governance in the Global South ed. Rayp, Glenn, Ruyssen, Ilse and Marchand, Katrin (Cham: Springer Nature, 2020), 51-84. 60  
Day, Adam, Vanda Felbab-Brown and Haddad, Fanar, Hybrid Conflict, Hybrid Peace: How Militias and Paramilitary Groups Shape Post-Conflict Transitions, ed. Day, Adam (New York: United Nations University, 2020). 1024 2018
Martins, João and Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "ICT Development in the Public Sector and the Small Island States Context - Evidence from across the World" 7th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2020), Buenos Aires, 2020/04/22-24. 576  
Rimba, Andi B., Atmaja, Tri, Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Andi, Arumansawang, Payus, Carolyn and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). IDENTIFYING LAND USE AND LAND COVER (LULC) CHANGE FROM 2000 TO 2025 DRIVEN BY TOURISM GROWTH: A STUDY CASE IN BALI. The International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences, XLIII-B3-2020 n/a-n/a 715 620
Perera, Duminda, Agnihotri, Jetal, Seidou, Ousmane and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Identifying societal challenges in flood early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 1-9 493 1472
Perera, Duminda, Agnihotri, Jetal, Seidou, Ousmane and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Identifying societal challenges in flood early warning systems. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 51 1-9 536  
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, (2020). ‘I do not like her going to the shelter’: Stories on gendered disaster (im)mobility and wellbeing loss in coastal Bangladesh. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 50 n/a-n/a 1190  
Orendain, Dan Jezreel A. and Djalante, Riyanti, (2020). Ignored and invisible: internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the face of COVID-19 pandemic.. Sustainability Science, n/a-n/a 442 273
Ignored and Invisible – Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) in the Face of COVID-19 Pandemic.. Auckland: International Network for Government Science Advice; 2020 664  
Mustapha, Feisul, Calopietro, Michael, Nielsen, Karoline Kragelund, Aagaard-Hansen, Jens, Lim, Shiang Cheng and Ulla Bjerre-Christensen, (2020). Impact evaluation of the Steno REACH Certificate Course in Clinical Diabetes Care for health care providers in Malaysia: protocol for a quasi-experimental, mixed-methods research study [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]. F1000Research, 9:98 1-11 250  
Payus, Carolyn, Huey, Lim Ann, Adnan, Farrah, Rimba, Andi B., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain, Saroj, Roder, Giulia, Gasparatos, Alexandros and Fukushi, Kensuke, (2020). Impact of Extreme Drought Climate on Water Security in North Borneo: Case Study of Sabah. Water, 12(4), 1-19 1105 271
Twisa, Sekela, Mwabumba, Mohamed, Kurian, Mathew and Buchroithner, Manfred F., (2020). Impact of Land-Use/Land-Cover Change on Drinking Water Ecosystem Services in Wami River Basin, Tanzania. Resources, 9(4), 1-18 245  
Payus, Carolyn, Thevan, Arvin Vasu and Sentian, Justin, (2020). Impact of school traffic on outdoor carbon monoxide levels. City and Environment Interactions, 4 1-5 329 216
Sarkar, Md. Sujahangir Kabir, Begum, Rawshan Ara and Pereira, Joy Jacqueline, (2020). Impacts of climate change on oil palm production in Malaysia. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27 9760-9770 900 1809
Lane, Suzie, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja and Shahvisi, Arianne, (2020). Impacts of the Global Gag Rule on sexual and reproductive health and rights in the Global South: A scoping review. Global Public Health, n/a-n/a 534  
Curosu, Iurie, Mechtcherine, Viktor, Vo, Duy M. P., Sennewald, Cornelia, Cherif, Chokri, Wölfel, Enrico, Scheffler, Christina, Gong, Ting, Heravi, Ali A., Tamsen, Erik, Balzani, Daniel, Shehni, Alaleh, Häußler-Combe, Ulrich, Fuchs, Alexander, Kaliske, Michael, Scope, Christoph and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2020). Impaktsicherheit von Baukonstruktionen durch mineralisch gebundene Komposite: Materialebene. Beton- und Stahlbetonbau, 116(1), 45-57 460  
Lin, Kuo-Ching, Lee, Kuang-Chung, Yiu, Evonne and Lee, Ling-Ling, Implementing the Satoyama Initiative for the Benefit of Biodiversity and Human Well-being, ed. Lin, Kuo-Ching and Lee, Kuang-Chung (Taipei: Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, 2020). 824  
Balde, Cornelis P., Wagner, Michelle, Iattoni, Giulia and Kuehr, Ruediger (2020). In-depth review of the WEEE Collection Rates and Targets in the EU-28, Norway, Switzerland, and Iceland. UNU/UNITAR. 231 69
Rimba, Andi B. and Yastika, Putu Edi, (2020). Indonesia: Threats to physical urban water problems. E3S Web of Conferences, 148(06001), 1-6 282 150