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dos Muchangos, Leticia and Vaughter, Philip, (2019). Gender Mainstreaming in Waste Education Programs: A Conceptual Framework. Urban Science, 3(29), 1-12 1087 682
GEOC Newsletter (Special Edition on Problem of Plastic Waste).. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; 2019 819 449
Sandholz, Simone and Sett, Dominic, (2019). Gesellschaftlicher Umgang mit Wetterextremen: Risiko, Management und Anpassung. Aus Politik und Zeitgeschehen (APuZ), 2019(52), 30-37 660  
Antoine, Anthony and Van Langenhove, Luk, "Global Challenges and Trends of University Governance Structures" in University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China ed. Zhu, Chang and Zayim-Kurtay, Merve (N/A: IGI Global, 2019), 233-245. 292  
Antoine, Anthony and Van Langenhove, Luk, "Global Challenges and Trends of University Governance Structures" in University Governance and Academic Leadership in the EU and China (United States: IGI Global, 2019), 233-245. 118  
Rhule, Emma (2019). Global Health and Global Health Think Tanks: Repositioning low- and middle-income countries. United Nations University International Institute for Global Health. 231 90
Okitasari, Mahesti, Sunam, Ramesh, Mishra, Ranjeeta, Masuda, Hiromi, Morita, Kanako, Takemoto, Kazuhiko and Kanie, Norichika (2019). Governance and National Implementation of the 2030 Agenda: Lessons from Voluntary National Reviews. UNU-IAS Policy Brief Series. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 1097 1674
Meyerhoff Nielsen, Morten, "Governance lessons from Denmark's digital transformation" 20th Annual International Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o 2019), Dubai, 2019/06/18-20. 825  
Djalante, Riyanti and Lassa, Shuaib, (2019). Governing complexities and its implication on the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction priority 2 on governance. Progress in Disaster Science, 1-5 521 244
Potjomkina, Diana, (2019). Governmentality in EU External Trade and Environment Policy: Between Rights and Market. International Affairs, 95(4), 945-946 163  
Stefan, Catalin, Suarez, Andrea, Solis, Pavel Bautista, Chinchilla, Carolina Alfaro, Caucci, Serena, Junghanns, Ralf and Walther, Marc (2019). Green Adaptation Strategies for Water Security in the Central American Dry Corridor. Technische Universität Dresden. 1272  
Twum, Eric, Nje, Dorothe, Stewart-Unuigbe, Ngozi, Bortey, Henry and Thelma, Arko (2019). Greening The Wood Fuel Sector Of Ghana: The Role Of Bamboo Charcoal. UNU-INRA Policy Brief. UNU-INRA. 692 984
Minhas, Paramijit S., Qadir, Manzoor and Yadav, Rajender Kumar, (2019). Groundwater irrigation induced soil sodification and response options. Agricultural Water Management, 215 74-85 408  
Ghani, Fatima, Antoni, Diego and Remme, Michelle, (2019). Guidance Note on Planning and Paying for Local Action Plans to Address Gender-Based Violence. United Nations University of International Institute for Global Health, 1-7 284 3220
Avellán, Tamara, Benavides, Lucía, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea (2019). Hacia sistemas sostenibles de tratamiento de aguas residuals: Implementando el enfoque nexo en dos casos en América Latina. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 840 223
Helena Legido-Quigley, Nicola Pocock, Sok Teng Tan, Leire Pajin, Repeepong Suphanchaimat, Kol Wickramage, Martin McKee and Kevin Pottie, (2019). Healthcare is not universal if undocumented migrants are excluded. BMJ, n/a-n/a 157 85
Singh, Shantesh K., "Health in Foreign Policy: A study of the Indo-Pacific Region" in Rise of the Indo-Pacific: Perspectives, Dimensions and Challenges ed. Mahapatra, Chintamani (New Delhi, India: Indian Council of Social Science Research, 2019), 232-249. 289 74
Soares, Delfina, Sarantis, Demetrios and Carvalho, Joana (2019). Health Sector Website Assessment Instrument: notes on the assessment method. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV). 441 118
Dodd, Darren and Pocock, Nicola S., (2019). Health threat to migrant workers revealed in new study. The Financial Times, 1-3 214 69
Harmayani, Eni, Anal, Anil K., Wichienchot, Santad, Bhat, Rajeev, Gardjito, Murdijati, Santoso, Umar, Siripongvutikorn, Sunisa, Puripaatanavong, Jindaporn and Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, (2019). Healthy food traditions of Asia: exploratory case studies from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Nepal. Journal of Ethnic Foods, 6(1), 1-18 344 215
Mayfield, Colin (2019). Higher Education in the Water Sector: A Global Overview. UNU-INWEH Report Series. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). 687  
Batselé, Filip, (2019). Hoe moet het verder na CETA? Magnette heeft Juridische Slag verloren, maar niet de Politieke Strijd. Knack, N/A-N/A 178  
Schwärzel, Kai, Zhang, Lulu, Montanarella, Luca, Wang, Yanhui and Sun, Ge, (2019). How afforestation affects the water cycle in drylands: A process‐based comparative analysis. Global Change Biology, n/a-n/a 684  
Jampani, Mahesh, Liedl, Rudolf, Hülsmann, Stephan, Sonkamble, Sahebrao and Amerasinghe, Priyanie, (2019). Hydrogeochemical and mixing processes controlling groundwater chemistry in a wastewater irrigated agricultural system of India. Chemosphere, 239 1-11 220  
Sonkamble, Sahebrao, Sahya, Ashalata, Jampani, Mahesh, Ahmed, Shakeel and Amerasinghe, Priyanie, (2019). Hydro-Geophysical Characterization and Performance Evaluation of Natural Wetlands in a Semi-Arid Wastewater Irrigated Landscape. Water Research, 148 176-187 1116  
Messner, Dirk, (2019). Il secolo delle città: Percorsi verso la sostenibilità. Concilium – Rivista internazionale di teologia, 01 25-35 319 536
Lim, Shiang Cheng, Mustapha, Feisul Idzwan, Aagaard-Hansen, Jens, Calopietro, Michael, Aris, Tahir and Ulla Bjerre-Christensen, (2019). Impact of Continuing Medical Education for Primary Healthcare Providers in Malaysia on Diabetes Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills and Clinical Practices. Medical Education Online, 25 1-11 249  
Gebrechorkos, Solomon H., Bernhofer, Christian and Hülsmann, Stephan, (2019). Impacts of Projected Change in Climate on Water Balance in Basins of East Africa. Science of The Total Environment, 682 160-170 690  
Reascos, Irving, Carvalho, João and Bossano, Sonia, "Implanting IT Applications in Government Institutions: A Process Model Emerging from a Case Study in a Medium-Sized Municipality" 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2019), Melbourne, 2019/04/03-05. 464 430
Haque, Md Mominul, Seidou, Ousmane, Mohammadian, Abdolmajid, Gado Djibo, Abdouramane, Liersch, Stefan, Fournet, Samuel, Karam, Sarah, Perera, Duminda and Kleynhans, Martin, (2019). Improving the Accuracy of Hydrodynamic Simulations in Data Scarce Environments Using Bayesian Model Averaging: A Case Study of the Inner Niger Delta, Mali, West Africa. Water, 11(9), n/a-n/a 196  
Cockayne, James (2019). Innovation for Inclusion. Financial Sector Commission on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Briefing Paper. United Nations University. 362 235
Bross, Lisa, Krause, Steffen, Wannewtiz, Mia, Stock, Eva, Sandholz, Simone and Wienand, Ina, (2019). Insecure Security: Emergency Water Supply and Minimum Standards in Countries with a High Supply Reliability. Water, 11(4)(732), 1-16 1348 379
Hülsmann, Stephan, Sušnik, Janez, Rinke, Karsten, Langan, Simon, van Wijk, Dianneke, Janssen, Annette BG. and Mooij, Wolf M., (2019). Integrated modelling and management of water resources: the ecosystem perspective on the nexus approach. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 40 14-20 369  
Lauwe, Peter, Stock, Eva, Wienand, Ina, Esser, Alexander, John-Koch, Monika, Fekete, Alexander, Neisser, Florian, Sandholz, Simone, Wannewitz, Mia, Garschagen, Matthias, Schiller, Julia, Rogge, Michael, Durst, Dirk, Becker, Uwe, Weis, Udo and Dierich, Axel (2019). Integriertes Risikomanagement für den Schutz der Bevölkerung. DIN SPEC. Beuth publishing DIN. 702  
Temple, Chinedu Obi, Bartolini, Fabio and D'Haese, Marijke, (2019). International Migration, Remittance and Food Security during Food Crises: The Case Study of Nigeria. Food Security, 207-220 214  
SWAN International, Dunbar, William and Matsumoto, Ikuko, "International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS" International Workshop on Resilience Assessment of SEPLS, Taipei, 2019/01/16-17. 414 142
Martins, João and Al-Shekaili, Hamed, (2019). Internet and Online Governmental Services Use Divide: Evidence From Oman. Social Science Computer Review, 39(3), 469-480 626  
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Warren, Narelle, Reidpath, Daniel D. and Allotey, Pascale, (2019). Interpretations of self-rated health in stroke survivors from a semi-rural community in South East Asia. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 14(1), 1-13 471  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José, "Introduction" in The Political Economy of New Regionalisms in the Pacific Rim ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José (London: Routledge, 2019), 1-8. 61  
Rimba, Andi B., Chapagain,Saroj, Masago, Yoshifumi, Fukushi, Kensuke and Mohan, Geetha, "Investigating Water Sustainability and Land Use/Land Cover Change (LULC) as the Impact Of Tourism Activity in Bali, Indonesia" 2019 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Yokohama, 2019/07/28-2019/08/02. 475  
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Kniveton, Dominic, Cannon, Terry, van der Geest, Kees, Ahmed, Istiakh, Derrington, Erin, Florano, Ebinezer and Opondo, Denis Opiyo, (2019). I will not go, I cannot go: cultural and social limitations of disaster preparedness in Asia, Africa, and Oceania. Disasters, 43(4), 752-770 825 399
Djalante, Riyanti, (2019). Key assessments from the IPCC special report on global warming of 1.5 °C and the implications for the Sendai framework for disaster risk reduction. Progress in Disaster Science, 1 1-5 611  
Harrison, James, Barbu, Mirela, Franz Christian Ebert and Campling, Liam, (2019). Labour Standards Provisions in EU Free Trade Agreements: Reflections on the European Commission's Reform Agenda. World Trade Review, 18(4), 635-657 152  
O’Donoghue, Rob, Sandoval-Rivera, Juan Carlos A. and Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan, (2019). Landscape, memory and learning to change in changing worlds: Contemplating intergenerational learning and traditional knowledge practices within social-ecological landscapes of change. Southern African Journal of Environmental Education, 35 1-34 229 243
Twisa, Sekela and Buchroithner, Manfred F., (2019). Land-Use and Land-Cover (LULC) Change Detection in Wami River Basin, Tanzania. Land, 8(9), 1-15 277  
Kruse, Jens, Koch, Maximilian, Khoi, Chau Minh, Braun, Gianna, Sebesvari, Zita and Amelung, Wulf, (2019). Land use change from permanent rice to alternating rice-shrimp or permanent shrimp in the coastal Mekong Delta, Vietnam: Changes in the nutrient status and binding forms. Science of The Total Environment, 703 1-13 528 423
Roidt, Mario and Avellán, Tamara, (2019). Learning from Integrated Management Approaches to Implement the Nexus. Journal of Environmental Management, 237 609-616 732  
Pan, Wen, Hosli, Madeleine and Lantmeeters, Michaël (2019). Liberal Intergovernmentalism and the Establishment of the European Stability Mechanism. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 244  
Gardner, Alison, Tackney, Megan, Erb, Nathaniel, Miller, Annie and Finger, Amanda (2019). Local Approaches to Modern Slavery. Delta 8.7 Symposia. United Nations University. 1043 614
Schlüter, Steffen, Albrecht, Lukas, Schwärzel, Kai and Kreiselmeier, Janis, (2019). Long-term effects of conventional tillage and no-tillage on saturated and near-saturated hydraulic conductivity – Can their prediction be improved by pore metrics obtained with X-ray CT?. Geoderma, 361 1-12 296