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Bhuvaneshwari, S., Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Meegoda, Jay N., (2019). Crop Residue Burning in India: Policy Challenges and Potential Solutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(5), 1-19 1527  
Oakes, Robert D., (2019). Culture, climate change and mobility decisions in Pacific Small Island Developing States. Population and Environment, 40(4), 480-503 3164 1592
Trobbiani, Riccardo and Pavón-Guinea, Andrea (2019). Culture in EU External Relations: Strategic Reflections and Future Scenarios. EL-CSID Policy Briefs. Institute for European Studies. 455  
Thinyane, Mamello and Kirschke, Sabrina, (2019). Data assemblages for enhanced citizen participation in sustainable development. Global Partnership for Sustainable Development Data, n/a-n/a 711  
Thinyane, Mamello, Bhat, Karthik, Cannanure, Vikram K., Tam, Hoi Iam and Goldkind, Lauri (2019). Data intermediation and collaboration with CBOs: Investigating the role and the capability of community-based organizations to intermediate the participation of marginalized and vulnerable citizens in data-driven systems. United Nations University. 644  
Thinyane, Mamello and Christine, Debora (2019). Data Marginalization and Exclusion: Operationalizing the 'leave no one behind' principle in social indicators monitoring. United Nations University. 525  
C. Silva, João Marco and Fonte, Vítor, "Data Security and Trustworthiness in Online Public Services: An Assessment of Portuguese Institutions" 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2019), Melbourne, 2019/04/03-05. 633 313
Carvalho, Nuno and Soares Barbosa, Luís, "Deep Learning Powered Question-Answering Framework for Organizations Digital Transformation" 12th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV2019), Melbourne, 2019/04/03-05. 702 630
Bouckaert, Reinhilde and Delputte, Sarah (2019). Deliberating and Monitoring Climate Action: How the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean Can Increase Its Relevance. UNU-CRIS Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 177  
Pijl, Anton, Tosoni, Michele, Roder, Giulia, Sofia, Giulia and Tarolli, Paolo, (2019). Design of Terrace Drainage Networks Using UAV-Based High-Resolution Topographic Data. Water, 11 1-11 235 120
Sarantis, Demetrios and Soares, Delfina, "Developing Health Sector Website Assessment Instrument: Outcomes from Portuguese Hospitals" 6th International Conference on eDemocracy & eGovernment (ICEDEG 2019), Quito, 2019/04/24-26. 590  
Al-Mahrooqi, Shaima (2019). Developing the Most Significant and Suitable Smart City Indicators for Smart City Pilot in Knowledge Oasis Muscat (KOM), Sultanate of Oman. United Nations University (UNU-EGOV). 276 496
Messner, Dirk and Schieferdecker, Ina, "Die digitale Nachhaltigkeitsgesellschaft" in Soziale Marktwirtschaft 0ökologisch erneuern Ökologische Innovationen, wirtschaftliche Chancen und soziale Teilhabe in Zeiten des Klimawandels ed. Fuecks, Ralf and Koehler, Thomas (Berlin: Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung, 2019), 205-224. 411  
Muhammad, Harry F. L., Van Baak, Marleen A., Mariman, Edwin C., Sulistyoningrum, Dian C., Huriyati, Emy, Lee, Yi Y. and Wan Muda, Wan A. M., (2019). Dietary Inflammatory Index Score and Its Association with Body Weight, Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile, and Leptin in Indonesian Adults. Nutrients, 11(1), 1-11 434 155
Messner, Dirk, Fromhold-Eisebith, Martina, Grote, Ulrike, Matthies, Ellen, Pittel, Karen, Schellnhuber, Hans Joachim, Schieferdecker, Ina, Schlacke, Sabine and Schneidewind, Uwe (2019). Digital Momentum for the UN Sustainability Agenda in the 21st Century. WBGU. 633  
Schneider, Petra and Avellán, Tamara, "Dimensions of Water Security in the Global Context of Sustainable Development" in Global Water Security Issues (GWSI) Case Studies: Water Security and the Sustainable Development Goals (Daejeon, Republic of Korea: UNESCO i-WSSM, 2019), 119-139. 887  
Izumi, Takako, Shaw, Rajib, Djalante, Riyanti, Ishiwatari, Mikio and Komino, Takeshi, (2019). Disaster risk reduction and innovations. Progress in Disaster Science, 2 1-8 500 347
Gheuens, Jana, Nagabhatla, Nidhi and Perera, Duminda, (2019). Disaster-Risk, Water Security Challenges and Strategies in Small Island Developing States (SIDS). Water, 11(4), 637-665 1160  
Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen, Nehren, Udo, Sandholz, Simone and Doswald, Nathalie, Disasters and Ecosystems: Resilience in a Changing Climate - Source Book, (Geneva: United Nations Environment Programme, 2019). 7259  
Ghani, Fatima, Rachele, Jerome N., Loh, Venurs H. Y., Washington, Simon and Turrell, Gavin, (2019). Do Differences in Social Environments Explain Gender Differences in Recreational Walking across Neighbourhoods?. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(11), 1-18 265 131
Kasadha, Juma, (2019). Does social media matter in developing democracies? Examining its impact on citizen political participation and expression in Uganda. Journal of Public Affairs, 1-10 384  
Nguyen, Minh Tu, Renaud, Fabrice G. and Sebesvari, Zita, (2019). Drivers of change and adaptation pathways of agricultural systems facing increased salinity intrusion in coastal areas of the Mekong and Red River deltas in Vietnam. Environmental Science & Policy, 331-348 904  
Hagenlocher, Michael, Meza, Isabel, Anderson, Carl C., Min, Annika, Renaud, Fabrice G., Walz, Yvonne, Siebert, Stefan and Sebesvari, Zita, (2019). Drought vulnerability and risk assessments: state of the art, persistent gaps, and research agenda. Environmental Research Letters, 1-23 999 286
Meza, Isabel, Hagenlocher, Michael, Naumann, Gustavo, Vogt, Juergen and Frischen, Janna (2019). Drought vulnerability indicators for global-scale drought risk assessments. JRC Techinical Reports. Publications Office of the European Union. 6632 763
Patra, Sridhar, Julich, Stefan, Feger, Karl-Heinz, Jat, Mangi Lal, Sharma, P. C. and Schwärzel, Kai, (2019). Effect of Conservation Agriculture on Stratification of Soil Organic Matter Under Cereal-Based Cropping Systems. Archives of Agronomy and Soil Science, n/a-n/a 788  
Yap, Kwong Hsia, Mohan, Devi, Stephan, Blossom C. M., Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Effects of Subjective Memory Complaints (SMCs) and Social Capital on Self-Rated Health (SRH) in a Semirural Malaysian Population. Journal of Aging Research, 2019(-), 1-9 612 171
Weninger, Thomas, Kreiselmeier, Janis, Chandrasekhar, Parvathy, Julich, Stefan, Feger, Karl-Heinz, Schwärzel, Kai, Bodner, Gernot and Schwen, Andreas, (2019). Effects of Tillage Intensity on Pore System and Physical Quality of Silt-Textured Soils Detected by Multiple Methods. Soil Research, n/a-n/a 521  
Lam, Fui-Ching, Bukhsh, Allah, Rehman, Habib, Waqas, Muhammad K., Shahid, Nabeel, Khaliel, Adil M., Elhanish, Ahlam, Karoud, Mustfa, Telb, Ahmed and Khan, Tahir M., (2019). Efficacy and Safety of Whey Protein Supplements on Vital Sign and Physical Performance Among Athletes: A Network Meta-Analysis. frontiers in pharmacology, 10(-), 1-13 337 174
Sandholz, Simone, "Eine Zukunft für die Vergangenheit?" in Quartiersentwicklung im globalen Süden. Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung ed. Altrock, Uwe, Kurth, Detlef, Kunze, Ronald, Schmidt, Holger and Schmitt, Gisela (Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2019), 1-31. 734  
Messner, Dirk, (2019). El siglo de las ciudades. Vías para la sostenibilidad. Concilium Revista internacional de teología, 379 13-25 530 1196
Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, Fox, Gino and Kniveton, Dominic, (2019). Embracing uncertainty: a discursive approach to understanding pathways for climate adaptation in Senegal. Regional Environmental Change, n/a-n/a 631 203
Sassetti, Francisca and Thinyane, Hannah (2019). Empowering Sex Workers in Exploitative Situations. United Nations University. 705 1149
Lee, Eunjoo and Guenther, Edeltraud, (2019). End ‘End-of-Pipe’ Thinking to Gear Up Sustainability Thinking. Green Growth Knowledge Platform, n/a-n/a 448  
Sandholz, Simone and Sett, Dominic (2019). Erfahrungen und Bedarfe von Akteuren der Stadtplanung im Hinblick auf Vulnerabilität gegenüber Hitzestress: Ergebnisse einer Haushalts-Umfrage zum Hitzeempfinden in Bonn. Zures Working Paper. United Nations University – Institute for Environment and Human Security (UNU-EHS). 6369 703
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2019). Estudo sobre Governo Eletrónico da Organização das Nações Unidas 2018. United Nations. 454  
Trobbiani, Riccardo, "European Regions and Their Interests" in Lobbying in the European Union: Strategies, Dynamics and Trends ed. Dialer, Doris and Richter, Margarethe (Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2019), 185-203. 220  
Drieghe, Lotte and Potjomkina, Diana, (2019). EU's Value-Based Approach in Trade Policy: (Free) Trade for All?. Global Affairs, 5(1), 63-72 159  
Thomson, Dana R., Linard, Catherine, Vanhuysse, Sabine, Steele, Jessica E., Shimoni, Michal, Siri, José G., Caiaffa, Waleska T., Rosenberg, Megumi, Wolff, Eléonore, Grippa, Taïs, Georganos, Stefanos and Elsey, Helen, (2019). Extending Data for Urban Health Decision-Making: a Menu of New and Potential Neighborhood-Level Health Determinants Datasets in LMICs. Journal of Urban Health, 96(-), 514-536 291 226
Mohan, Geetha, Mishra, Ranjeeta, Fukushi, Kensuke, Rimba, Andi B., Avtar, Ram, Lakshmi, N.P., Chapagain,Saroj and I.M. Sudarma, "Factors affecting and farmers’ perception of the adoption of water-saving irrigation technologies in semi-arid states in India" Forum for Global Knowledge Sharing, the XIV Annual Conference of Knowledge Forum on 'Technology and Employment', Madras, 2019/10/11-13. 407 358
Lietaert, Ine, Verhaeghe, Floor and Derluyn, Ilse, (2019). Families on Hold: How the Context of an Asylum Centre affects Parenting Experiences. Child & Family Social Work, 1-8 141  
Pham, Nga T.T., Nong, Duy and Garschagen, Matthias, (2019). Farmers’ decisions to adapt to flash floods and landslides in the Northern Mountainous Regions of Vietnam. Journal of Environmental Management, 252(109672), 1-13 230 561
McGuire, Finn, Vijayasingham, Lavanya, Vassall, Anna, Webb, Douglas, Guthrie, Teresa and Remme, Michelle, (2019). Financing Intersectoral Action for Health: a Systematic Review of Co-Financing Models. Globalization and Health, 15(86), 1-18 218  
Mallon, Kim Lan (2019). Financing Sustainable Development in Vietnam: Solar and Wind Energy Promotion. UNU-CRIS Policy Briefs. The United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 207  
Mallon, Kim Lan (2019). Financing Sustainable Development in Vietnam: Solar and Wind Energy Promotion. UNU-CRIS Policy Brief. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 49  
Perera, Duminda, Seidou, Ousmane, Agnihotri, Jetal, Ramsy, Mohamed, Smakhtin, Vladimir, Coulibaly, Paulin and Mehmood, Hamid (2019). Flood Early Warning Systems: A Review of Benefits, Challenges and Prospects. UNU-INWEH Report Series. UNU. 632  
UNU-FLORES, "From Waste to Resource: Sustainable Wastewater Management in Latin America" in United Nations University Annual Report 2018 (Tokyo: United Nations University, 2019), 9-11. 422  
Parajuly, Keshav, Kuehr, Ruediger, Awasthi, Abhishek Kumar, Fitzpatrick, Colin, Lepawsky, Josh, Smith, Elisabeth, Widmer, Rolf and Zeng, Xianlai (2019). Future E-waste Scenarios. StEP Initiative, UNU ViE-SCYCLE, UNEP IETC. 5470 8926
Natori, Yoji and Dublin, Devon (2019). GEF-Satoyama Project (2015-2019) Impact Report. Conservation International Japan. 320 154
Takahashi, Yasuo, Lopez-Casero, Federico, Natori, Yoji and Dublin, Devon (2019). GEF-Satoyama Project Working Paper: Values, Knowledge and Governance of Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies and Conservation International Japan. 325 287
dos Muchangos, Leticia and Vaughter, Philip, (2019). Gender Mainstreaming in Waste Education Programs: A Conceptual Framework. Urban Science, 3(29), 1-12 1060 661