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Sandholz, Simone and Wannewitz, Mia, (2019). Access to critical infrastructures – driver of resilient development. TRIALOG Journal for Planning and Building in a Global Context, 03/2018(134), 45-50 6811  
Takahashi, Yasuo, Schauffele, Nicolas, Mengrani, Sabrina, Mader, Andre, Scheyvens, Henry, Dasgupta, Rajarshi and Lopez-Casero, Federico (2019). Achievements, challenges and ways forward for the Satoyama Development Mechanism: A self-assessment by the SDM Secretariat. IGES Technical Report. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 621 134
Lopes, Nuno and Faria, José, "A Cybersecurity Model for Electronic Governance and Open Society" 5th Electronic Governance and Open Society: Challenges in Eurasia (EGOSE 2018), Saint Petersburg, 2018/11/14-16. 587  
Ju, Bei and Sandel, Todd L., (2019). Adaptation of Mainland Chinese Labour Migrants in Macao. Journal of Intercultural Communication Research, 48(3) 257-273 527  
Denton, Fatima, Tekie, Bruk, Obani, Pedi, Forkuor, Gerald, Amankwaa, Ebenezer, Arko, Thelma, Bombande, Maria-Ancilla, Moyo, Qondi and Yeboah, Stephen (2019). Africa's Development in the Age of Stranded Assets. UNU-INRA. 760 780
Kirschke, Sabrina, Häger, Astrid, Kirschke, Dieter and Völker, Jeanette, (2019). Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution of Freshwater in Germany. The Governance of Sustaining a Complex Problem. Water, 11(12), 1-19 793  
Roder, Giulia, Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain,Saroj, Rimba, Andi B. and Fukushi, Kensuke ed. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019/12/9-13 San Francisco. Online: American Geophysical Union, 2019. 554  
Rimba, Andi B., Mohan, Geetha, Chapagain,Saroj, Fukushi, Kensuke, Roder, Giulia and Andi, Arumansawang ed. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019/12/9-13 San Francisco. Online: American Geophysical Union, 2019. 558  
Chapagain,Saroj, Mohan, Geetha, Roder, Giulia, Rimba, Andi B., Mishra, Binaya K. and Fukushi, Kensuke ed. AGU Fall Meeting 2019 2019/12/9-13 San Francisco. Online: American Geophysical Union, 2019. 863 212
Morita, Kanako, Okitasari, Mahesti and Masuda, Hiromi, (2019). Analysis of national and local governance systems to achieve the sustainable development goals: case studies of Japan and Indonesia. Sustainability Science, 15 179-202 984 573
Gadédjisso-Tossou, Agossou, Avellán, Tamara and Schütze, Niels, (2019). An Economic-Based Evaluation of Maize Production under Deficit and Supplemental Irrigation for Smallholder Farmers in Northern Togo, West Africa. Resources, 8(4), 1-11 590  
Hazakis, Konstantinos (2019). A New Analytical Framework to Explain the Troubling EU (Dis)Integration Dynamics. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 400  
Kofler, Christian, Steger, Stefan, Mair, Volkmar, Zebisch, Marc, Comiti, Francesco and Schneiderbauer, Stefan, (2019). An inventory-driven rock glacier status model (intact vs. relict) for South Tyrol, Eastern Italian Alps. Geomorphology, 350(106887), 1-16 6316 245
UNU-FLORES (2019). Annual Report 2018. Annual Report. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 881 577
Sassetti, Francisca, Mera, Silvia and Thinyane, Hannah (2019). Apprise Audit Impact Assessment: Detecting labour exploitation in supply chains. United Nations University. 788  
Thinyane, Hannah and Bhat, Karthik, "Apprise: Supporting the Critical-Agency of Victims of Human Trafficking in Thailand" 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '19), Glasgow, 2019/05/04-09. 960  
Thinyane, Hannah and Sassetti, Francisca (2019). Apprise: Using sentinel surveillance for human trafficking and labor exploitation. UNU-CS Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute on Computing and Society. 1961 823
Aekakkararungroj, Aekkapol, Farrukh Chishtie, Farrukh, Poortinga, Ate, Mehmood, Hamid, Anderson, Eric, Munroe, Thailynn, Cutter, Peter, Loketkawee, Nuntarut, Tondapu, Githika, Towashiraporn, Peeranan and Saah, David, (2019). A publicly available GIS-based web platform for reservoir inundation mapping in the lower Mekong region. Environmental Modelling & Software, 123 n/a-n/a 344  
Perera, Duminda, Devlin, Michael and Smakhtin, Vladimir (2019). Arsenic in groundwater: Elements of a National Strategy for Reduction and Eradication. UNU-INWEH. 372  
Badri Bhakta, Shrestha, Perera, Duminda, Kudo, Shun, Miyamoto, Mamoru, Yamazaki, Yusuke, Kuribayashi, Daisuke, Sawano, Hisaya, Sayama, Takahiro, Magome, Jun, Hasegawa, Akira, Ushiyama, Tomoki, Tokunaga, Yoshio and Iwami, Yoichi, (2019). Assessing flood disaster impacts in agriculture under climate change in the river basins of Southeast Asia. Natural Hazards, 1-36 727  
Benavides, Lucía, Avellán, Tamara, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea, (2019). Assessing Sustainability of Wastewater Management Systems in a Multi-Scalar, Transdisciplinary Manner in Latin America. Water, 11(2), 1-51 1801  
Benavides, Lucía, Avellán, Tamara, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea, "Assessing Sustainability of Wastewater Management Systems in a Multi-Scalar, Transdisciplinary Manner in Latin America" in The Challenges of Water Management and Governance in Cities (Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2019), 79-129. 972  
Day, Adam, Hunt, Charles T, Yin, He and Kumalo, Liezelle (2019). Assessing the Effectiveness of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS). Assessing the Effectiveness of Peace Operations. Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. 1325 2323
Abdul-Lateef Balogun, Marks, Danny, Sharma, Richa, Shekhar, Himanshu, Balmes, Chiden, Maheng, Dikman, Arshad, Adnan and Salehi, Pourya, (2019). Assessing the Potentials of Digitalization as a Tool for Climate Change Adaptation and Sustainable Development in Urban Centres. Sustainable Cities and Society, 58 1-12 7110  
Graw, Valerie, Dubovyk, Olena, Duguru, Moses, Heid, Paul, Ghazaryan, Gohar, Villagrán de León, Juan Carlos, Post, Joachim, Szarzynski, Joerg, Tsegai, Daniel and Walz, Yvonne, "Assessment, monitoring, and early warning of droughts: the potential for satellite remote sensing and beyond" in Drought Challenges – Policy Options for Developing Countries, In: Current Directions in Water Scarcity Research ed. Mapedza, Everisto, Tsegai, Daniel, Bruntrup, Michael and McLeman, Robert (Amsterdam: Elsevier Ltd, 2019), 115-131. 840  
Anjum, Zoha, Pouramin, Panthea, Glickman, Talia and Nagabhatla, Nidhi, (2019). A Synthesis Report Analyzing Menstrual Hygiene Management Within a Humanitarian Crisis. OIDA International Journal of Sustainable Development, 12(5), n/a-n/a 367  
Nevado Amell, Mauricio Andres, Awais, Muhammad, Ragul, Sowmiya, Brüggemann, Kurt and Avellán, Tamara, (2019). Attribute Value Extraction Mechanism of Constructed Wetlands Information. MethodsX, 1-20 978  
Valenza, Domenico and Bossuyt, Fabienne (2019). A Two-Way Challenge: Enhancing EU Cultural Cooperation with Russia. CEPS Policy Briefs. Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS). 436  
Lahoti, Shruti, Lahoti, Ashish and Saito, Osamu, (2019). Benchmark assessment of recreational public Urban Green space provisions: A case of typical urbanizing Indian City, Nagpur. Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 44 n/a-n/a 547  
Mehmood, Hamid (2019). Bibliometrics of Water Research: A Global Snapshot. UNU-INWEH Report Series. United Nations University Institute for Water, Environment and Health (UNU-INWEH). 624  
Toufaily, Elissar, Zalan, Tatiana and Ben Dhaou, Soumaya, "Blockchain Technology Adoption: State of the Art" 3rd International Conference on Advances in Business and Law, Dubai, 2019/11/23-24. 262 56
Pires, Kerley and Ben Dhaou, Soumaya, "Blockchain Technology and Value Creation for Government and Public Services" 11th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Participation (ePart 2019), San Benedetto del Tronto, 2019/09/02-04. 289  
Soares, Delfina, Amaral, Luís, Ferreira, Luís, Lameiras, Mariana and Ramos, Luís Felipe (2019). Caracterização da Função TIC/Informática nas Câmaras Municipais Portuguesas. Universidade do Minho. 705 262
Sarantis, Demetrios, Ben Dhaou, Soumaya, Alexopoulos, Charalampos and Loukis, Euripidis, "Challenges and Opportunities in e-Government Education: e-Government Programs Curriculum" 13th International Conference on Digital Society and eGovernments (ICDS 2019), Athens, 2019/02/24-28. 954  
Oakes, Robert, Banerjee, Soumyadeep and Warner, Koko, "Chapter 9: Human mobility and adaptation to environmental change" in World Migration Report 2020 ed. McAuliffe, Marie and Khadria, Binod (Geneva: International Organization for Migration, 2019), 252-269. 956  
Partap, Uttara, Young, Elizabeth H., Allotey, Pascale, Sandhu, Manjinder S. and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Characterisation and correlates of stunting among Malaysian children and adolescents aged 6–19 years. Global Health, Epidemiology and Genomics, 4 1-11 893 413
Plechanovová, Běla, Hosli, Madeleine and Plechanov, Anatolij, "Choosing Voting Rules in the European Union" in The Oxford Handbook of Public Choice ed. Congleton, Roger, Grofman, Bernard and Voigt, Stefan (New York: Oxford University Press, 2019), 219-236. 443  
Thinyane, Mamello and Christine, Debora (2019). Citizen data for health and wellbeing. United Nations University. 687  
Ahmed, Istiakh, Ayeb-Karlsson, Sonja, van der Geest, Kees, Huq, Saleem and Jordan, Joanne Catherine, (2019). Climate change, environmental stress and loss of livelihoods can push people towards illegal activities: a case study from coastal Bangladesh. Climate and Development, 11(10), 907-917 6802 1542
Ishiwatari, Mikio, Djalante, Riyanti, Mavrodieva, Aleksandrina, Gomez, Oscar, Prabhakar, S. V. R. K., Wataya, Eiko and Shaw, Rajib (2019). Climate Fragility Risks (CFR) In Development Sectors: Six Principles for Managing Synergies and Trade-Offs. The University of Tokyo, United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability, Keio University, Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 1281 418
Boas, Ingrid, Farbotko, Carol, Adams, Helen, Sterly, Harald, Bush, Simon, van der Geest, Kees, Wiegel, Hanne, Ashraf, Hasan, Baldwin, Andrew, Bettini, Giovanni, Blondin, Suzy, de Bruijn, Mirjam, Durand-Delacre, David, Froehlich, Christiane, Gioli, Giovanna, Guaita, Lucia, Hut, Elodie, Jarawura, Francis X., Lamers, Machiel, Lietaer, Samuel, (2019). Climate migration myths. Nature Climate Change, 9(12), 901-903 6618 1052
Landman, Todd, Trodd, Zoe, Darnton, Hannah, Durgana, Davina, Moote, Kilian, Jones, Paul, Setter, Chloe, Bliss, Nadya, Powell, Sharlena and Cockayne, James ed. Code 8.7: Conference Report 2019/02/19-20 New York. New York: United Nations University, 2019. 1448 879
Temple, Chinedu Obi (2019). Combatting Irregular Migration through Rural Awareness Campaigns: The Case of Edo State, Nigeria. UNU-CRIS Policy Briefs. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 435  
Temple, Chinedu Obi (2019). Combatting Irregular Migration through Rural Awareness Campaigns: The Case of Edo State, Nigeria. UNU-CRIS Policy Brief. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 51  
Melts, Indrek, Ivask, Mari, Mohan, Geetha, Takeuchi, Kazuhiko and Heinsoo, Katrin, (2019). Combining bioenergy and nature conservation: An example in wetlands. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 111 293-302 677 340
Anderson, Carl, Hagenlocher, Michael, Renaud, Fabrice G., Sebesvari, Zita, Cutter, Susan L. and Emrich, Christopher T., (2019). Comparing index-based vulnerability assessments in the Mississippi Delta: Implications of contrasting theories, indicators, and aggregation methodologies. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, n/a-n/a 5801  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José, "Conclusions" in The Political Economy of New Regionalisms in the Pacific Rim ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Briceño-Ruiz, José (London: Routledge, 2019), 252-259. 43  
Avellán, Tamara and Gremillion, Paul, (2019). Constructed Wetlands for Resource Recovery in Developing Countries. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 99 42-57 1858  
Mairami, Fatima F., Warren, Narelle, Allotey, Pascale and Reidpath, Daniel D., (2019). Contextual factors that shape recovery after stroke in Malaysia. Disability and Rehabilitation, 41(-), 1-11 722 647
Van Langenhove, Luk, "Creating a Dialogue of Civilisations: Questions of Method" in Civilisations, States and World Order: Where are We, Where are We Heading ed. Higgott, Richard (Berlin: DOC Research Centre, 2019), 106-111. 47