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Sveinsson, Oli G. B. (2016). Energy in Iceland: Adaptation to Climate Change. DNC Policy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1020 1824
Guta, Dawit Diriba (2016). Energy Resource Use Options for Improved Energy Security in Ethiopia. DNC Poliy Brief. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1014 1176
Sowunmi, Fatai A. (2016). Environmental and Economic Burden of Sand Dredging on Artisanal Fishing in Lagos State, Nigeria. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 596 639
Environmental Resource Management and the Nexus Approach: Managing Water, Soil, and Waste in the Context of Global Change, ed. Hettiarachchi, Hiroshan and Ardakanian, Reza (Switzerland: Springer International Publishing, 2016). 1719  
Chandran, Rahul, (2016). Episode IV: A New Hope? Reforming the United Nations for Agenda 2030. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 618  
Gatev, Ivaylo and Diesen, Glenn, (2016). Eurasian Encounters: The Eurasian Economic Union and the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation. European Politics and Society, 17(1), 133-150 255  
Trobbiani, Riccardo (2016). European Regions in Brussels: Towards Functional Interest Representation?. European Leadership in Culture, Science and Innovation Diplomacy (EL-CSID). College of Europe. 229 104
Nilsson, Christer, Aradottir, Asa L., Hagen, Dagmar, Halldórsson, Guðmundur, Høegh, Kenneth, Mitchell, Ruth J., Raulund-Rasmussen, Karsten, Svavarsdóttir, Kristín, Tolvanen, Anne and Wilson, Scott D., (2016). Evaluating the process of ecological restoration. Ecology and Society, 21(1), n/a-n/a 421 289 0
Arslan, Awadis, Ghalia, Abdul M., Khalaf, Abdallah, Ponnambalam, Rameshwaran, Ragab, Ragab, Singh, Murari and Qadir, Manzoor, (2016). Evaluating the Productivity Potential of Chickpea, Lentil and Faba Bean Under Saline Water Irrigation Systems. Irrigation and Drainage, 65(1), 19-28 848  
Payyappallimana, Unnikrishnan and Venkatasubramaniam, Padma, (2016). Exploring Ayurvedic Knowledge on Food and Health for Providing Innovative Solutions to Contemporary Healthcare. Frontiers in Public Health, 4(57), 1-9 568  
Desvachez, Fanny (2016). Facilitating the Disclosure of Gender-related Persecutions in European Asylum Procedures. UNU-GCM. 506  
Van der Geest, Kees and Schindler, Markus (2016). Factsheet: Loss and damage from a catastrophic landslide in Nepal. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. 6547 1757
Barmania, Sima and Aljunid, Syed M., (2016). Faith-based health care. The Lancet, 387(10017), 429-429 483   0
Cockayne, James and Walker, Summer, "Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict: 10 Ideas for Action by the United Nations Security Council" Fighting Human Trafficking in Conflict, New Canaan, 2016/06/30-07/01. 1514 12213
Ruckstuhl, Austin, (2016). Fleeing for simply being: the legal and subjective battles faced by LGBTI refugees. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a 456  
Danumah, John, H., Odai, Samuel, N., Saley, Mahaman, B., Szarzynski, Joerg, Thiel, Michael, Adjei, Kwaku, Kouame, Fernand, K. and Akpa, Lucette, Y., (2016). Flood risk assessment and mapping in Abidjan district using multi-criteria analysis (AHP) model and geoinformation techniques, (cote d’ivoire). Geoenvironmental Disasters, 3(10), 1-13 834  
Mashood Mohamed Moufar, Mohamed, (2016). Floods and Countermeasures Impact Assessment for the Metro Colombo Canal System, Sri Lanka. Hydrology, n/a-n/a 143  
Bridget Scanlon and Smakhtin, Vladimir, (2016). Focus on water storage for managing climate extremes and change. Environmental Research Letters, 11(12), n/a-n/a 237  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Fortifying the outer defences under the guise of partnership. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a 600  
Pescinski, Janina, (2016). Fortifying the outer defences under the guise of partnership. openDemocracy, n/a-n/a 563  
Lopez-Casero, Federico, Ichikawa, Kaoru, Dunbar, William, Takahashi, Yasuo, Matsumoto, Ikuko and Amano, Yohsuke (2016). From collective learning to action: Integrated landscape approaches for sustainable development and climate change resilience. IGES Natural Resources and Ecosystem Services Area Knowledge-Action Linkage Issue Brief Series. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 598 215
Anaemene, Benjamin U., (2016). From Inaction to Action: The World Health Organisation and Tobacco Control Policies in Nigeria Since 1970. Journal of Retracing Africa, 3(1), 43-58 480  
(2016). FUKUSHIMAグローバルコミュニケーション事業 最終報告書. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 487 215
Mosneaga, Ana, Sato, Akiko and Turner, Nicholas (2016). FUKUSHIMAグローバルコミュニケーション事業 最終報告書. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 673 595
Mosneaga, Ana, Sato, Akiko and Turner, Nicholas (2016). Fukushima Global Communication Programme Final Report. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 1124 1074
GEOC Newsletter.. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; 2016 888 153
GEOC Newsletter.. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; 2016 947 244
GEOC Newsletter.. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; 2016 803 215
GEOC Newsletter.. Tokyo: United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability; 2016 801 130
Avtar, Ram and Kumar, Pankaj, "Geothermal Energy as a Major Source of Renewable Energy - Learning from Asian Neighbours" in Advances in Geothermal Energy ed. Ismail, Basel I. (Online: InTech, 2016), 37-48. 796 870
Geothermal Training in Iceland 2015, ed. Omarsdottir, Malfridur and Georgsson, Ludvik S. (Reykjavik: United Nations University Geothermal Training Programme, 2016). 539 260
Wannewitz, Sabrina, Hagenlocher, Michael and Garschagen, Matthias ed. GI Forum 2016: open:spatial:interfaces 2016/07/05-08 Salzburg. Salzburg: University of Salzburg, 2016. 868  
Behanzin, Idelbert, Thiel, Michael, Szarzynski, Joerg and Boko, Michel, (2016). GIS-Based Mapping of Flood Vulnerability and Risk in the Bénin Niger River Valley. International Journal Of Geomatics and Geosciences, 6(3), 1653-1668 937  
Hashim, Jamal H. and Siri, José G., (2016). Global Environmental Change and Human Health. Asia Pacific Journal of Public Health, 28(2), 5-7 710   0
(2016). Global Gender and Environment Outlook The Critical Issues. UNEP. 6338 192
Patrick, Rebecca and Dietrich, Uta, (2016). Global Principles, Regional Action: Guiding Ecohealth Practice in Oceania. EcoHealth, 1-5 555   0
World Health Organisation (2016). Global report on urban health: equitable, healthier cities for sustainable development. World Health Organization. 565  
Van Langenhove, Luk (2016). Global Science Diplomacy as a New Tool for Global Governance. Pensament. Federació d’Organitzacions Catalanes Internacionalment Reconegudes (FOCIR). 367  
Doll, Christopher and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2016). Governance and networks for health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: Lessons from two Indian cities. Environmental International, 97 146-154 848 619 0
Puppim de Oliveira, José A. and Doll, Christopher, (2016). Governance and networks for health co-benefits of climate change mitigation: Lessons from two Indian cities. Environment International, 97 146-154 556   0
Nielsen, Morten M., "Governance and Online Service Delivery: The Danish Case" Joint Proceedings of IFIP EGOV-ePart 2016, Guimarães, 2016/09/05-08. 1041  
Hancock, Trevor, Capon, Anthony G., Patrick, Rebecca and Dietrich, Uta, (2016). Governance for health in the Anthropocene. International Journal of Health Governance, 21(4), 245-262 565   0
Kanie, Norichika, "Governance through Goal-Setting: A New Governance Challenge for Navigating Sustainability in the 21st Century" in The WSPC Reference on Natural Resources and Environmental Policy in the Era of Global Change (Vol. 2) (Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Company, 2016), 61-76. 881  
Cock, Andrew, Governing Cambodia's Forests: The International Politics of Policy Reform, (Copenhagen: NIAS Press, 2016). 1435  
Khalil, Momtaj B., Jacobs, Brent C. and Kuruppu, Natasha, "Grassroots Technologies and Community Trust in Climate Change Adaptation: Learning from Coastal Settlements of Bangladesh" in Innovation in Climate Change Adaptation ed. Filho, Walter, L. (London: Springer International Publishing, 2016), 297-311. 665  
Osiolo, Helen H. (2016). Green Energy and Its Impact on Employment and Economic Growth. UNU-INRA Working Paper. United Nations University Institute for Natural Resources in Africa. 2255 922
Gareth Dale, Mathai, Manu V. and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Green Growth: Ideology, political economy and the alternatives, ed. Gareth Dale, Mathai, Manu V. and Puppim de Oliveira, José A. (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2016). 1172  
Kwan, Soo C., Tainio, M., Woodcock, J. and Hashim, Jamal H., (2016). Health co-benefits in mortality avoidance from implementation of the mass rapid transit (MRT) system in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Reviews on Environmental Health, 31(1), 179-183 609   0
Anaemene, Benjamin U., (2016). Health Sector Reforms and Sustainable Development in Nigeria: A Historical Perspective. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 18(4), 50-66 598  
Tan, David and Siri, José G., (2016). Heat is an Urban Killer. Our World, n/a-n/a 517