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Rankin, Neil, Roberts, Gareth and Schöer, Volker (2014). The Success of Learnerships? : Lessons from South Africa’s Training and Education Programme. UNU-WIDER. 338  
Badiane, Ousmane and Makombe, Tsitsi (2014). The Theory and Practice of Agriculture, Growth, and Development in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 368  
Cockayne, James (2014). The UN Security Council and Organized Criminal Activity: Experiments in International Law Enforcement. United Nations University Working Paper Series. United Nations University. 861 1296
UNU-IAS, Bioversity International, IGES and UNDP (2014). Toolkit for the Indicators of Resilience in Socio-ecological Production Landscapes and Seascapes. United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability. 954 1792
Bisung, Elijah and Elliott, Susan J., (2014). Toward a social capital based framework for understanding the water-health nexus. Social Science & Medicine, 108 194-200 541  
Van Langenhove, Luk, Ramon, Ewout and Mariën, Julie (2014). Towards a University College in Bruges? A feasibility study on Transnational Higher Education Cooperation. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 164  
Bhorat, Haroon, Naidoo, Karmen and Yu, Derek (2014). Trade Unions in an Emerging Economy : The Case of South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 375  
Rettberg, Angelika, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Rodríguez, Liliana Lizarazo and Ortiz-Riomalo, Juan Felipe, (2014). Trading Rights? Analyzing the Role of a Rights Discourse in Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) in Colombia. Iberoamericana, XIV(3), 167-172 160  
Tsutsumi, Atsuro and Izutsu, Takashi, "Trafficking in persons" in Essentials of global mental health ed. Okpaku, Samuel O. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2014), 282-287. 596  
CIDOB and United Nations University, Transculturality and interdisciplinarity. Challenges for research on media, migration and intercultural dialogue, (Barcelona: CIDOB, 2014). 446  
Scott, Lucy (2014). Transfers for Extreme Poverty Reduction : Implications for Patron-Client Relationships in the Context of Bangladesh’s Agricultural Reformation. UNU-WIDER. 318  
Sale, Peter F., Agardy, Tundi, Ainsworth, Cameron H., Feist, Blake E., Bell, Johann D., Christie, Patrick, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Mumby, Peter J., Feary, David A., Saunders, Megan I. and Daw, Tim M., (2014). Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 85(1), 1-16 627 248
Sale, Peter F., Agardy, Tundi, Ainsworth, Cameron H., Feist, Blake E., Bell, Johann D., Christie, Patrick, Hoegh-Guldberg, Ove, Mumby, Peter J., Feary, David A., Saunders, Megan I., Daw, Tim M., Foale, Simon J., Levind, Phillip S., Lindeman, Kenyon C., Lorenzen, Kai, Pomeroy, Robert S., Allison, Edward H., Bradbury, Roger H., Corrin, Jennifer, Edwards, Alasdair J., (2014). Transforming management of tropical coastal seas to cope with challenges of the 21st century. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 85(1), n/a-n/a 816  
Onoma, Ato Kwamena (2014). Transition Regimes and Security Sector Reforms in Sierra Leone and Liberia. UNU-WIDER. 385  
Bello, Valeria (2014). Transnationalism and New Media: Transcontinental Migrants and Interconnectivity of Cultures. Statelessness and Transcontinental Migration (Policy Reports Series 02). UNU-GCM. 627 199
Mannschatz, Theresa, Borg, Erik, Pflug, Bringfried, Feger, Karl-Heinz and Dietrich, Peter, (2014). Uncertainties of LAI Estimation from Satellite Imaging due to Atmospheric Correction. Remote Sensing of Environment, 153 24-39 657   0
Muchapondwa, Edwin and Mukanjari, Samson (2014). Understanding Chinese and Western Development Finance in Uganda, South Africa, and Zimbabwe. UNU-WIDER. 345  
Nagabhatla, Nidhi, Sahu, Sobhan, Gaetaniello, Armando, Wen, Lijuan and Lee, Wooseop, "Understanding Impacts of Climate Variation in Varied Socio-ecological Domains: A Prerequisite for Climate Change Adaptation and Management" in Handbook of Climate Change Adaptation (Berlin: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014), 1-25. 585  
Tsutsumi, Atsuro ed. United Nations Expert Group Meeting on Mental Well-being, Disability and Disaster Risk Reduction 2014/11/27-28 Tokyo. Tokyo: United Nations University, 2014. 564  
United Nations University (2014). United Nations University Annual Report 2013. United Nations University. 51 71
Gideon, Jasmine and Porter, Fenella (2014). Unpacking Women’s Health in Public-Private Partnerships : A Return to Instrumentalism in Development Policy and Practice?. UNU-WIDER. 319  
UNU-CRIS (2014). UNU-CRIS Annual Report 2014. Van Langenhove, Luk. 156 45
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, (2014). UNU Hosts Thematic Session at 2014 UN Climate Summit. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 368  
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Doll, Christopher N.H., Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel and Balaban, Osman, "Urban biodiversity and climate change" in Global environmental change: handbook of global environmental pollution (Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag, 2014), 461-468. 698  
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., Doll, Christopher N.H., Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel and Balaban, Osman, (2014). Urban biodiversity and climate change. Global Environmental Change, 1 461-468 1005   0
Torkelsson, Åsa (2014). Using Evidence and Operational Responses to Accelerate Gender Equality in Kenya. UNU-WIDER. 340  
Stifel, David C. and Woldehanna, Tassew (2014). Utility-Consistent Poverty in Ethiopia, 2000–11 : Welfare Improvements in a Changing Economic Landscape. UNU-WIDER. 334  
Stifel, David C., Razafimanantena, Tiaray and Rakotomanana, Faly (2014). Utility-Consistent Poverty in Madagascar, 2001-10 : Snapshots in the Presence of Multiple Economy-Wide Shocks. UNU-WIDER. 365  
Handley, Antoinette (2014). Varieties of Capitalists? : the Middle Class, Private Sector and Economic Outcomes in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 402  
Tellman, Beth, Alaniz, Ryan, Rivera, Andrea and Contreras, Diana (2014). Violence as an obstacle to livelihood resilience in the context of climate change. UNU-EHS Working Paper. UNU-EHS. 6883 311
Bello, Valeria, (2014). Virtual Belongings, Dual Identities and Cultural Discomforts. The role of Mediaspaces and Technospaces in the Integration of Migrants. Crossings: Journal of Migration and Culture, 5(2 and 3), 2013-2229 826   0
Welle, Torsten, Depietri, Yaella, Angignard, Marjory, Birkmann, Joern, Renaud, Fabrice G. and Greiving, Stefan, "Vulnerability assessment to heat waves, floods, and earthquakes using the MOVE framework: test case Cologne, Germany" in Assessment of vulnerability to natural hazards ed. Birkmann, Joern, Kienberger, S. and Alexander, D. (Philadelphia: Elsevier, 2014), 91-124. 573  
Baguma, David, Loiskandl, Willibald, Hashim, Jamal H. and Hashim, Zailina, (2014). Water and climate variability in developing countries: the case of Uganda. Journal of Water and Climate Change, 5(3), 377-390 594   0
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Dickin, Sarah and Metcalfe, Chris D., "Waterborne and Foodborne Diseases, Climate Change Impacts on Health" in Global Environmental Change (Rotterdam: Springer Netherlands, 2014), 615-622. 961   0
Water, Energy, and the Arab Awakening, ed. Axworthy, Thomas S. and Adeel, Zafar (Hamilton: UNU-INWEH, 2014). 528 175
Yazaki, Anthony, (2014). What Egypt Tells us about the State of Democracy. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 321  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Tarp, Finn (2014). What is the Aggregate Economic Rate of Return to Foreign Aid?. UNU-WIDER. 492  
Bloom, Tendayi, (2014). What Would it Mean to End Statelessness by 2024?., n/a-n/a 380  
Arndt, Channing, Jones, Sam and Salvucci, Vincenzo (2014). When do Relative Prices Matter for Measuring Income Inequality? : The Case of Food Prices in Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 464  
Amrith, Megha, (2014). Why Migration Matters., n/a-n/a 428  
Bello, Valeria, (2014). Why Prejudice is a Global Security Threat., n/a-n/a 595  
Ivanovic, Alexandra, (2014). Why the United Nations Needs More Female Peacekeepers. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 376  
Cornwall, Andrea (2014). Women’s Empowerment : What Works and Why?. UNU-WIDER. 450  
Mutisya, Emmanuel and Yarime, Masaru (2014). Working Paper 199 - Microcredit for the Development of the Bottom of the Pyramid Segment: Impact of Access to Financial Services on Microcredit Clients, Institutions and Urban Sustainability. African Development Bank Group Working Paper Series. African Development Bank. 745  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Mucke, Peter, Schauder, Almuth, Seibert, Thomas, Welle, Torsten, Rhyner, Jakob, Kohler, Stefan, Loster, Thomas, Reinhard, Dirk and Matuschke, Ira (2014). World Risk Report 2014. World Risk Report. Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft and UNU-EHS. 7750 1314
Papanagnou, Georgios (2014). Worlds Apart? Towards a Theory of Democratic Dissent in Transnational Governance Networks. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 178  
UN WATER (2014). World Water Day 2014. Advocacy Guide. UNU-INWEH. 465 195
Chasukwa, Michael, Chinsinga, Blessings, Leavy, Jennifer, Sumberg, James, Tadele, Getnet, Whitfield, Stephen, Yaro, Joseph Awetori and Anyidoho, Nana Akua (2014). Young People, Agriculture, and Employment in Rural Africa. UNU-WIDER. 460  
Bryceson, Deborah Fahy (2014). Youth in Tanzania’s Urbanizing Mining Settlements : Prospecting a Mineralized Future. UNU-WIDER. 324  
Luepschen, Claudia, Kuehr, Ruediger and Magalini, Federico (2014). ZeroWIN: final report on policy recommendations and implications. ZeroWIN project / European Commission. 988 385