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Pushpalal, Dinil, Rhyner, Jakob and Hossini, Vilma ed. The great eastern Japan earthquake 11 March 2011: lessons learned and research questions 11 March 2012 Bonn. Bonn: UNU-EHS, 2013. 798 1352
Narula, Rajneesh and Prasad Kodiyat, Tiju (2013). The growth of outward FDI and the competitiveness of the underlying economy: the case of India. UNU-MERIT. 537 242
Bourguignon, François and Platteau, Jean-Philippe (2013). The Hard Challenge of Aid Co-Ordination. UNU-WIDER. 453  
Fawcett, Louise (2013). The history and concept of regionalism. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 668 677
Hellsten, Sirkku K. (2013). The Ideal of Gender Justice and the UNSCR 1325 : Two Case Studies : Kenya and the Democratic Republic of Congo. UNU-WIDER. 375  
Finkel, Steven E. (2013). The Impact of Adult Civic Education Programmes in Developing Democracies. UNU-WIDER. 421  
Fant, Charles and Schlosser, C. Adam (2013). The Impact of Climate Change on Wind and Solar Resources in Southern Africa. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Adamu, Patricia A. (2013). The Impact of Foreign Aid on Economic Growth in ECOWAS Countries : a Simultaneous-Equation Model. UNU-WIDER. 398  
Goedhuys, Micheline and Sleuwaegen, Leo, (2013). The impact of international standards certification on the performance of firms in less developed countries. World Development, N/A-N/A 786  
Gassmann, Franziska, Siegel, Melissa, Vanore, Michaella and Waidler, Jennifer (2013). The impact of migration on children left behind in Moldova. UNU-MERIT. 962 1258
Niño-Zarazúa, Miguel and Chiripanhura, Blessing M. (2013). The Impacts of the Food, fuel and Financial Crises on Households in Nigeria : a Retrospective Approach for Research Enquiry. UNU-WIDER. 498  
Nour, Samia Satti O. M. (2013). The importance (impacts) of knowledge at the macro-micro levels in the Arab Gulf countries. UNU-MERIT. 429 194
Borghans, Lex, Meijers, Huub and ter Weel, Bas (2013). The importance of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for measuring IQ. UNU-MERIT. 810  
Loschmann, Craig and Siegel, Melissa (2013). The influence of vulnerability on migration intentions in Afghanistan. UNU-MERIT. 772 439
Fitzgerald, Valpy (2013). The International Fiscal Implications of Global Poverty Reduction and Global Public Goods Provision. UNU-WIDER. 342  
IPSI Secretariat (2013). The International Partnership for the Satoyama Initiative (IPSI): Formation and Development. United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies. 412 152
Dreyfus, Magali, (2013). The Judiciary’s role in environmental governance, the case of Delhi. Environmental Policy and Law, 43(3), 162-174 488  
Bilgili, Ozge (2013). The links between economic integration and remittances behaviour of migrants in the Netherlands. UNU-MERIT. 422 180
Puppim de Oliveira, José A., "The mismatch of implementation networks in international environmental regimes: lessons from different agreements" in Improving Global Environmental Governance (Abingdon: Routledge, 2013), 108-129. 580  
Beath, Andrew, Christia, Fotini and Enikolopov, Ruben (2013). The National Solidarity Programme : Assessing the Effects of Community-Driven Development in Afghanistan. UNU-WIDER. 427  
The Nexus of Soil, Water and Waste.. Dresden, Germany: United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES); 2013 1069 826
Umezawa, Hana (2013). The Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in inter-organizational cooperation: conceptual and historical aspect of cooperation in peace and seucirty. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 653 181
Bluhm, Richard, De Crombrugghe, Denis and Szirmai, Adam (2013). The pace of poverty reduction - A fractional response approach. UNU-MERIT. 827 326
The Palgrave Handbook of EU-Asia Relations, ed. Christiansen, Thomas, Kirchner, Emil and Philomena, Murray (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2013). 447  
Asem, Freda, Domfe, George and Osei, Robert (2013). The Political Economy Dimensions of Macroeconomic Management of Aid in Ghana. UNU-WIDER. 352  
Massingarela, Cláudio, Nhate, Virgulino and Salvucci, Vincenzo (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy : Country Case Study of Mozambique. UNU-WIDER. 455  
Olomola, Aderibigbe S. (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy in Nigeria. UNU-WIDER. 395  
Raihan, Selim (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy : the Case of Bangladesh. UNU-WIDER. 376  
Nzuma, Jonathan Makau (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy : the Case of Kenya. UNU-WIDER. 387  
Talbot, Theodore and Nguyen, Manh Hai (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy : the Case of Rice Prices in Vietnam. UNU-WIDER. 369  
Ganguly, Kavery and Gulati, Ashok (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price Policy : the Case Study of India. UNU-WIDER. 368  
Admassie, Assefa (2013). The Political Economy of Food Price : the Case of Ethiopia. UNU-WIDER. 358  
Huang, Jikun, Rozelle, Scott and Yang, Jun (2013). The Political Economy of Food Pricing Policy in China. UNU-WIDER. 412  
Futamura, Madoka, "The politics of the death penalty and contexts of transition: democratization, peacebuilding and transitional justice" in The Politics of the Death Penalty in Countries in Transition ed. Futamura, Madoka and Bernaz, Nadia (London: Routledge, 2013), n/a-n/a. 601  
Futamura, Madoka and Bernaz, Nadia, The politics of the death penalty in countries in transition, (N/A: Routledge, 2013). 598  
Mbuvi, Dorcas and Schwartz, Klaas, (2013). The politics of utility reform: A case study of the Ugandan water sector. Public Money & Management, (5), 377-382 455  
Dehejia, Rajeev (2013). The Porous Dialectic : Experimental and Non-Experimental Methods in Development Economics. UNU-WIDER. 329  
De Lombaerde, Philippe, Sšderbaum, Fredrik, Van Langenhove, Luk and Baert, Francis, "The Problem of Comparison in Comparative Regionalism" in Regionalism (Vol. IV) ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Sšderbaum, Fredrik (London: Sage Publications, 2013), 279-303. 574  
Baulch, Bob and Tam, Le Vi An (2013). The Progressivity and Regressivity of Aid to the Social Sectors. UNU-WIDER. 398  
Abass, Ademola, (2013). The proposed international criminal jurisdiction for the African court: some problematic aspects. Netherlands International Law Review, LX 27-50 611 1023
Juselius, Katarina, Reshid, Abdulaziz and Tarp, Finn (2013). The Real Exchange Rate, Foreign Aid and Macroeconomic Transmission Mechanisms in Tanzania and Ghana. UNU-WIDER. 503  
Andeltova, Lucie, Barbier, Edward, Baker, Louise, Shim, KugBo, Noel, Stacey, Quatrini, Simone and Schauer, Mark (2013). The rewards of investing in sustainable land management. Interim Report for the Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: A global strategy for sustainable land management.. ELD Initiative. 490 893
Green, Elliott (2013). The Rise and Fall of Decentralization in Contemporary Uganda. UNU-WIDER. 366  
The role of ecosystems in disaster risk reduction, ed. Renaud, Fabrice G., Sudmeier-Rieux, Karen and Estrella, Marisol (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2013). 17888 16960
Cofelice, Andrea and Kingah, Stephen, "The Role of Regional Parliaments in Enhancing Democracy in the South" in Comparative Regionalisms for Development in the 21st Century: Insights from the Global South ed. Fanta, Emmanuel, Shaw, Timothy and Tang, Vanessa (Farnham: Ashgate, 2013), 191-207. 601  
IGES (2013). The Satoyama Development Mechanism (SDM) 2013. Institute for Global Environmental Strategies. 481 139
Genna, Gaspare M. and De Lombaerde, Philippe, "The Small N Methodological Challenges of Analyzing Regional Integration" in Regionalism (Vol. IV) ed. De Lombaerde, Philippe and Sšderbaum, Fredrik (London: Sage Publications, 2013), 305-318. 553  
Cingolani, Luciana (2013). The State of State Capacity: a review of concepts, evidence and measures. UNU-MERIT. 3722 3128
Cuyvers, Ludo (2013). The sustainable development clauses in Free Trade Agreements: an EU perspective for ASEAN?. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 529 337
Portugal-Pereira, Joana C., Doll, Christopher, Suwa, Aki and Puppim de Oliveira, José A., (2013). The sustainable mobility-congestion nexus: a co-benefits approach to finding win-win solutions. Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific, 82 19-31 665