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Popovski, Vesselin and Serrano, Monica, "Transitional justice across continents" in After oppression: transitional justice in Latin America and Eastern Europe ed. Popovski, Vesselin and Serrano, Monica (2012). 572  
Hellsten, Sirkku K. (2012). Transitional Justice and Aid. UNU-WIDER. 430  
Caselli, Marco, Trying to measure globalization : experiences, critical issues and perspectives, (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012). 433  
Resnick, Danielle (2012). Two Steps Forward, One Step Back : The Limits of Foreign Aid on Malawi’s Democratic Consolidation. UNU-WIDER. 404  
Abass, Ademola, "UN Cooperation with Regional Organisations in Peacekeeping Operations: A Legal Perspective" in The United Nations and the Regions (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012), 109-128. 569  
Adenle, Ademola A., (2012). Understanding Environmental Risk Assessment of GMOs in Africa: The Importance of Regulation and Monitoring. Biosafety, 1(3), n/a-n/a 658 95
Aginam, Obijiofor, Rupiya, Martin R., Stratton, Johanna and Ottina, Andrea, "Understanding the dynamics of HIV/AIDS and the security sector in Africa: an overview" in HIV/AIDS and the security sector in Africa ed. Aginam, Obijiofor and Rupiya, Martin R. (New York, USA: United Nations University Press, 2012), n/a-n/a. 931  
Umezawa, Hana (2012). UN-EU Cooperation in Peace and Security in the 21st Century: Development of Structural Relationship. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 545 272
Umezawa, Hana (2012). UN-Regional Organisational Cooperation in Peace and Security: Development and Future Prospects. UNU-CRIS Working Papers. United Nations University Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 577 366
UNU-CRIS (2012). UNU-CRIS Annual Report 2012. Van Langenhove, Luk. 183 49
Avtar, Ram and Sawada, Haruo, (2012). Use of DEMs data to monitor height changes due to deforestation. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 584   0
Mandl, Daniel, Frye, Stuart, Cappelaere, Pat, Handy, Matthew, Policelli, Fritz, Katjizeu, Mc-cloud, Van Langenhove, Guido, Aubé, Guy, Saulnier, Jean-Francois, Sohlberg, Rob, Silva, Julie, Kussul, Nathaniel, Skakun, Sergii, Ungar, Sanford, Grossman, Robert and Szarzynski, Joerg, (2012). Use of the the Earth Observing One (EO-1) satellite for the Namibia SensorWeb flood early warning pilot. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing (JSTAR): Special issue on the Earth Observing One Mission – Ten Years in Space, 6(2), 298-308 921  
Subramanian, Sreenivasan (2012). Variable Populations and the Measurement of Poverty and Inequality. UNU-WIDER. 445  
Cameron, Robert (2012). Vertical Decentralization and Urban Service Delivery in South Africa : Does Politics Matter?. UNU-WIDER. 415  
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, (2012). Verwundbare Systeme - Kritische Infrastrukturen und Extremwetterereignisse. Bevölkerngsschutz, 1 41-44 513  
Kanie, Norichika, "Visioning transformative sustainable development governance" in Green economy and good governance for sustainable development: opportunities, promises and concerns (Tokyo: United Nations University Press, 2012), 199-220. 806  
Birkmann, Joern and Fleischhauer, Mark ed. Vulnerabilität von Raumnutzungen, Raumfunktionen und Raumstrukturen n/a n/a. n/a: n/a, 2012. 557  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Tuan, Vo Van and Binh, Nguyen T., "Vulnerability, Coping and Adaptation to Water Related Hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta" in The Mekong Delta System: Interdisciplinary Analyses of a River Delta ed. Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kuenzer, Claudia (Dordecht: Springer Netherlands, 2012), 245-289. 1049  
Birkmann, Joern, Garschagen, Matthias, Tuan, Vo Van and Binh, Nguyen T., "Vulnerability, coping and adaptation to water related hazards in the Vietnamese Mekong delta" in The Mekong Delta system. Interdisciplinary analyses of a river delta ed. Renaud, Fabrice G. and Kuenzer, Claudia (Dordrecht: Springer Environmental Science Engineering, 2012), 245-298. 1019  
Stevels, Ab and Huisman, Jaco, (2012). Waste from electronics (e-waste) governance and systems organization. Designing for Zero Waste, Consumption, technologies and the Built Environment, 131-144 845  
Renaud, Fabrice G. and Wirkus, Lars, "Water, climate change and human security: conflict and migration" in The global water crisis: addressing an urgent security issue ed. Bigas, Harriet (Hamilton: UNU-INWEH, 2012), 34-45. 630 463
Water, cultural diversity, and global environmental change: emerging trends, sustainable futures?, ed. Johnston, Barbara Rose, Hiwasaki, Lisa, Klaver, Irene J., Ramos Castillo, Ameyali and Strang, Veronica (Dordrecht: Springer, 2012). 646  
Evans, Alexandra E. V., Hanjra, Munir A., Jiang, Yunlu, Qadir, Manzoor and Drechsel, Pay, (2012). Water Quality: Assessment of the Current Situation in Asia. International Journal of Water Resources Development, 28(2), 195-216 965  
Nakashima, Douglas, Galloway McLean, Kirsty, Thulstrup, Hans, Ramos-Castillo, Ameyali and Rubis, Jennifer, Weathering uncertainty: traditional knowledge for climate change assessment and adaptation, (Paris and Darwin, Australia: UNESCO and United Nations University Traditional Knowledge Initiative, 2012). 3083 4067
Quillérou, Emmanuelle and Guyader, Olivier, (2012). What is behind fleet evolution: a framework for flow analysis and application to the French Atlantic fleet. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 532  
Naudé, Wim (2012). What is the (New) Deal with Fragile States?. United Nations University. 563 402
(2012). What Role for the EU in 2030 in Peace and Security?. United Nations University. 488 99
Kienberger, Stefan, Castellano, Alexandre, Zeil, Peter, Raulin, Arnaud and Szarzynski, Joerg, (2012). When disaster strikes… Geoinformation for disaster risk reduction in South East Africa. GEOConnexion International Magazine, 38-40 814  
Warner, Koko, Afifi, Tamer, Henry, Kevin, Rawe, Tonya, Smith, Christopher and De Sherbinin, Alex (2012). Where the Rain Falls: Climate Change, Food and Livelihood Security, and Migration. United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security. 7368 970
Schuering, Esther and Gassmann, Franziska (2012). Whom to target - an obvious choice?. UNU-MERIT. 746 211
Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2012). Whose regionalism in Africa?. GREAT Insights, 1(9), 436  
Van Langenhove, Luk, (2012). Why we need to 'unpack' regions to compare them more effectively. The International Spectator, 47(1), 16-29 535   0
Umaña-Aponte, Marcela and Bhalotra, Sonia R. (2012). Women’s Labour Supply and Household Insurance in Africa. UNU-WIDER. 417  
Ziesemer, Thomas (2012). Worker remittances and government behaviour in the receiving countries. UNU-MERIT. 727 212
Beck, Michael W., Shepard, Christine C., Birkmann, Joern, Rhyner, Jakob, Witting, Maximilian, Wolfertz, Jan, Martens, Jens, Maurer, Katja, Mucke, Peter and Radtke, Katrin (2012). World Risk Report 2012. World Risk Report. Bündnis Entwicklung Hilft. 5079 585
Birkmann, Joern, Franck, Enke, Frommer, Birte, Hensold, Claus, Hörmann, Felix, Jacoby, Christian, Klee, Andreas, Klein, Ralf, Kübler, Cornelia, Kufeld, Walter, Leitz, Reinlinde, Merz, Barbara, Müller, Peter, Schütze, Burchard, Schulz, Hans-Dieter, Steuer, Peter, Stiglbauer, Christine, Stock, Manfred and Wagner, Sebastian ed. „Zugspitz-Thesen“: Klimawandel, Energiewende und Raumordnung 2012 Hannover. Hannover: n/a, 2012. 585