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Duysters, Geert, Saebi, Tina and Dong, Qinqin (2007). Strategic Partnering with Chinese companies: Hidden motives and treasures. UNU-MERIT. 771 484
Ghosh, Rishab Aiyer, Glott, Rüdiger, Gerloff, Karsten, Schmidt, Jan Philipp, Aisola, Kamini and Boujraf, Abdelkrim (2007). Study on the effect on the development of the information society of European public bodies making their own software available as open source. N/A. 765  
Jäntti, Markus and Sierminska, Eva (2007). Survey Estimates of Wealth Holdings in OECD Countries : Evidence on the Level and Distribution across Selected Countries. UNU-WIDER. 437  
Sustainable Mangement of Marginal Drylands Fifth Project Workshop Aleppo (Syria) 2006/11/12-17 Aleppo. Paris: UNESCO, 2007. 334  
Vanhaverbeke, Wim, Beerkens, Bonnie and Duysters, Geert (2007). Technological capability building through networking strategies within high-tech industries. UNU-MERIT. 751 510
Davies, Jim, Janowski, Tomasz, Ojo, Adegboyega and Shukla, Aadya, "Technological foundations of electronic governance" 1st International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic Governance, Macau, 2007. 649   0
Gachino, Geoffrey (2007). Technological spillovers from multinational presence - Towards a conceptual framework. UNU-MERIT. 396 103
Hall, Andy, Clark, Norman and Naik, Guru (2007). Technology supply chain or innovation capacity?: Contrasting experiences of promoting small scale irrigation technology in South Asia. UNU-MERIT. 730 339
Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. (2007). Terms of Trade Shocks and the Current Account in Small Island States. UNU-WIDER. 343  
Raymond, Wladimir, Mohnen, Pierre, Palm, Franz and Schim van der Loeff, Sybrand (2007). The Behavior of the Maximum Likelihood Estimator of Dynamic Panel Data Sample Selection Models. UNU-MERIT. 668  
Dutta, Indranil (2007). The Burden of Government Debt in the Indian States : Implications for the MDG Poverty Target. UNU-WIDER. 436  
Kingah, Stephen and Smis, Stefaan, (2007). The Chad Cameroon Pipeline Project (CCPP) and the Dilemmas of the Government of Chad. Proceedings of the ASIL Annual Meeting, 101 141-143 243  
Chauvet, Lisa, Collier, Paul and Hoeffler, Anke (2007). The Cost of Failing States and the Limits to Sovereignty. UNU-WIDER. 457  
Matthee, Marianne and Naudé, Wim (2007). The Determinants of Regional Manufactured Exports from a Developing Country. UNU-WIDER. 512  
Hagen-Zanker, Jessica Sabine and Siegel, Melissa (2007). The determinants of remittances: A review of the literature. 762  
Kriechel, Ben and Ziesemer, Thomas (2007). The Environmental Porter Hypothesis: Theory, Evidence and a Model of Timing of Adoption. UNU-MERIT. 859 507
Van Langenhove, Luk and Costea, Ana-Cristina, "The EU as a Global Actor and the Emergence of 'Third Generation' Regionalism" in Managing a Multilevel Foreign Policy - The EU in International Affairs (Lanham: Lexington Books, 2007). 211  
Fosu, Augustin Kwasi (2007). The External Debt-Servicing Constraint and Public Expenditure Composition : Evidence from African Economies. UNU-WIDER. 359  
Jin, Yu, Wan, Guanghua and Zhang, Jun (2007). The Financial Deepening-Productivity Nexus in China : 1987-2001. UNU-WIDER. 471  
Keats, Derek and Schmidt, Jan Philipp, (2007). The genesis and emergence of Education 3.0 in higher education and its potential for Africa. First Monday, (3), N/A-N/A 492  
Matthee, Marianne and Naudé, Wim (2007). The Geographical Location of Manufacturing Exporters in South Africa. UNU-WIDER. 418  
Huang, Can and Soete, Luc (2007). The Global Challenges of the Knowledge Economy: China and the EU. UNU-MERIT. 505 242
Asiedu, Elizabeth and Nandwa, Boaz (2007). The Impact of Foreign Aid in Education Growth : How Relevant is the Heterogeneity of Aid Flows and the Heterogeneity of Aid Recipients?. UNU-WIDER. 435  
Goedhuys, Micheline (2007). The impact of innovation activities on productivity and firm growth: evidence from Brazil. UNU-MERIT. 651  
Brown, Graham, Langer, Arnim and Stewart, Frances (2007). The Implications of Horizontal Inequality for Aid. UNU-WIDER. 432  
Tavares, Rodrigo, (2007). The Iraq War and the Culture of Peace. UNU Update, (June-August), 1-1 176  
van Dijk, Michiel and Szirmai, Adam (2007). The Micro-Dynamics of Catch Up in Indonesian Paper Manufacturing: An International Comparison of Plant-Level Performance. UNU-MERIT. 654 263
Hall, Andy (2007). The origins and implications of using innovation systems perspectives in the design and implementation of agricultural research projects: Some personal observations. UNU-MERIT. 707 256
Notten, Geranda and de Neubourg, Chris (2007). The policy relevance of absolute and relative poverty headcounts: What's in a number?. Maastricht University. 486 339
Lokshin, Boris, Belderbos, René and Carree, Martin (2007). The productivity effects of internal and external R&D: Evidence from a dynamic panel data model. UNU-MERIT. 741 1229
Hansen, Henrik and Headey, Derek (2007). The Short-Run Macroeconomic Impact of Foreign Aid to Small States : An Agnostic Timeseries Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 388  
Naudé, Wim and Matthee, Marianne (2007). The Significance of Transport Costs in Africa. United Nations University Press. 899 462
De Lombaerde, Philippe, (2007). The Social Construction of Free Trade. The European Union, NAFTA and MERCOSUR. Journal of Common Market Studies, 45(1), 221-222 194  
Verspagen, Bart (2007). The Spatial Hierarchy of Technological Change and Economic Development in Europe. UNU-MERIT. 855 367
Craigwell, Roland (2007). Tourism Competitiveness in Small Island Developing States. UNU-WIDER. 321  
Channac, Frédérique (2007). Towards a Social-oriented Multi-level Framework for International Migration Governance. UNU Insitute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 187  
Kuehr, Ruediger, (2007). Towards a sustainable society: United Nations University's Zero Emissions Approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 15(13-14), 1198-1204 154  
Sakulski, Dusan, "Towards integrated disaster risk assessment in South Africa" in Geoinformation for development : bridging the divide through partnerships ed. Zeil, Peter and Kienberger, Stefan (Heidelberg: Herbert Wichmann Verlag, 2007), 208-212. 441  
Ranis, Gustav (2007). Toward the Enhanced Effectiveness of Foreign Aid. UNU-WIDER. 334  
Wai-Poi, Matthew, Leite, Phillippe and Ferreira, Francisco H.G. (2007). Trade Liberalization, Employment Flows and Wage Inequality in Brazil. UNU-WIDER. 413  
Santos-Paulino, Amelia U. (2007). Trade Sustainability and Aid under Liberalization in Fragile Least Developed Countries. UNU-WIDER. 322  
Trafficking in Humans: Social, Cultural and Political Dimensions, ed. Cameron, Sally and Newman, Edward (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2007). 509 1731
Sadowski, Bert, Sadowski-Rasters, Gaby and Duysters, Geert (2007). Transition of Governance in a Mature Open Software Source Community: Evidence from the Debian Case. UNU-MERIT. 873 458
Wu, Treena (2007). Types of households most vulnerable to physical and economic threats: Case studies in Aceh after the tsunami. 507 241
Unintended Consequences of Peacekeeping Operations, ed. Aoi, Chiyuki, de Coning, Cedric and Thakur, Ramesh (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2007). 3282 21415
UNU-CRIS (2007). UNU-CRIS Annual Report 2007. Van Langenhove, Luk. 131 65
Bull, Carolyn (2007). UNU Policy Brief Number 7, 2007. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 144 39
Chang, Ha-Joon (2007). UNU Policy Brief Number 6, 2007. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 140 53
Nissanke, Machiko and Thorbecke, Erik (2007). UNU Policy Brief Number 2, 2007. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 166 46
Clark, David and McGillivray, Mark (2007). UNU Policy Brief Number 3, 2007. Policy Briefs. United Nations University. 148 47