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Narula, Rajneesh and Marin, Anabel (2005). Exploring the relationship between direct and indirect spillovers from FDI in Argentina. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 869 314
Farrell, Mary, (2005). Exporting the European Model of Regional Integration. EU Political Economy Newsletter, 13-18 187  
Mavrotas, George and Chowdhury, Abdur (2005). FDI and Growth : a Causal Relationship. UNU-WIDER. 557  
Mazzoli, Marco (2005). Financial Markets and R&D Investments : a Discrete-Time Model to Interpret Public Policies. UNU-WIDER. 500  
Mavrotas, George and Kumbhakar, Subal C. (2005). Financial Sector Development and Productivity Growth. UNU-WIDER. 514  
Quartey, Peter (2005). Financial Sector Development, Savings Mobilization and Poverty Reduction in Ghana. UNU-WIDER. 539  
Mavrotas, George and Vinogradov, Dmitri (2005). Financial Sector Structure and Financial Crisis Burden : A Model Based on the Russian Default of 1998. UNU-WIDER. 515  
Fox, Coleen and Sneddon, Chris (2005). Flood Pulses, International Watercourse Law, and Common Pool Resources : a Case Study of the Mekong Lowlands. UNU-WIDER. 503  
Asiedu, Elizabeth (2005). Foreign Direct Investment in Africa : The Role of Natural Resources, Market Size, Government Policy, Institutions and Political Instability. UNU-WIDER. 616  
Hart, Keith (2005). Formal Bureaucracy and the Emergent Forms of the Informal Economy. UNU-WIDER. 370  
Cuyvers, Ludo, De Lombaerde, Philippe and Verherstraeten, Stijn (2005). From AFTA towards an ASEAN Economic Community ... and Beyond. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 254  
Nanavaty, Reema (2005). From Local to Global and Informal to Formal : Entering Mainstream Markets. UNU-WIDER. 401  
Van Langenhove, Luk and Costea, Ana-Cristina, (2005). From Multilateralism to Multiregionalism. What Role for Regional Integration in Global Governance?. Romanian Journal of International and Regional Studies, 1(42767), 32-54 214  
van Zon, Adriaan and Kronenberg, Tobias (2005). General Purpose Technologies and Energy Policy. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 800 338
Anand, Prathivadi Bhayankaram (2005). Getting Infrastructure Priorities Right in Post-Conflict Reconstruction. UNU-WIDER. 446  
Costea, Ana-Cristina and Felício, Taniâ (2005). Global and Regional Mechanisms of Disaster Risk Reduction and Relief: Review, Evaluation, Future Directions of Integration. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 257 173
Bogardi, Janos J. and Brauch, Hans G., "Global environmental change : a challenge for Human Security. Defining and conceptualising the environmental dimension of human security." in UNEO - towards an international environment organization : approaches to a sustainable reform of global environmental governance ed. Rechkemmer, Andreas (Baden-Baden: Nomos Press, 2005), n/a-n/a. 770  
Rechkemmer, Andreas (2005). Global governance and UN reform: challenges and opportunities for environment and human security. UNU-EHS InterSecTions. UNU- EHS. 6390 257
Van Langenhove, Luk and Costea, Ana-Cristina, "Global Governance, New Regionalism and Japan-EU Relations" in Japan and Enlarged Europe; Partners in Global Governance (Berlin: Peter Lang, 2005). 252  
Narula, Rajneesh (2005). Globalisation, EU expansion and consequences for MNE location. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 541 215
Gomes, Eduardo and Tarcísio Reis, Globalização e o Comércio Internacional no Direito da Integração, (São Paulo: Edições Aduaneiras and LEX Editora, 2005). 279  
Antonio ARANTES, Jong CHOE, Noriko AIKAWA, Kiyul CHUNG, Hans D’Orville, Ginkel, Hans van, Koichi IWABUCHI, Koichiro Matsuura, Ahmad JALALI, Sisowath KOLA CHAT, Issiaka-P. Latoundji LALEYE, Souren MELIKIAN, Henriette RASMUSSEN, Rieks SMEETS, Serge SPITZER, Seiji TSUTUMI, Kunio YOSHIHARA, Kinley WANGDI and Christoph WULF (2005). Globalization and Intangible Cultural Heritage. UNESCO-UNU International Conference. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. 857 212
Bardhan, Pranab K. (2005). Globalization and Rural Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 448  
Aggarwal, Rimjhim M. (2005). Globalization, Local Ecosystems, and the Rural Poor. UNU-WIDER. 469  
Basu, Kaushik (2005). Globalization, Poverty and Inequality : What Is the Relationship? What Can Be Done?. UNU-WIDER. 484  
Graham, Carol (2005). Globalization, Poverty, Inequality, and Insecurity : Some Insights from the Economics of Happiness. UNU-WIDER. 432  
Jenkins, Rhys (2005). Globalization, Production and Poverty. UNU-WIDER. 489  
Marjit, Sugata and Maiti, Dibyendu S. (2005). Globalization, Reform and the Informal Sector. UNU-WIDER. 401  
Stern, Robert M. and Deardorff, Alan V. (2005). Globalization's Bystanders : Does Trade Liberalization Hurt Countries that Do Not Participate?. UNU-WIDER. 459  
Farrell, Mary, Fawcett, Louise, Hurrell, Andrew, Foqué, René, Steenbergen, Jacques, Gavin, Brigid, De Lombaerde, Philippe, Söderbaum, Fredrik, Stadtmüller, Elzbieta, Cuyvers, Ludo, De Souza, Eric, Fielding, David, Van Langenhove, Luk, Nesadurai, Helen E.S., Bach, Daniel, Lindholm Schulz, Helena, Schulz, Michael, Pastor, Robert A., Zhang, Tie Jun, Muni, S.D. et al., Global Politics of Regionalism: Theory and Practice, ed. Hettne, Björn, Van Langenhove, Luk and Farrell, Mary (London: Pluto Press, 2005). 2001  
Parto, Saeed (2005). "Good" Governance and Policy Analysis: What of Institutions?. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 622 747
Yarime, Masaru and Parto, Saeed (2005). Governance of Technological Transitions: Lessons from the Japanese Experience. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 692 192
Ziesemer, Thomas (2005). Growth with perfect capital movements in CES: US Debt Dynamics and model estimation. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 749 176
History of Water Issues, A: Lessons to Learn, ed. Coopey, Richard, Fahlbusch, Henning, Hatcho, Nobumasa and Jansky, Libor (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2005). 493 2133
Ziesemer, Thomas (2005). How to cure the trade balance? Reducing budget deficits versus devaluations in the presence of J- and W-curves for Brazil. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 759 214
Gassmann, Franziska (2005). How to improve access to social protection for the poor? Lessons from the social assistance reform in Latvia. 912 234
Akinlo, Anthony Enisan (2005). Impact of Macroeconomic Factors on Total Factor Productivity in Sub-Saharan African Countries. UNU-WIDER. 409  
Wan, Guanghua, Wang, Jiao and Mayes, David G. (2005). Income Distribution and Labour Movement in China After WTO Membership : a CGE Analysis. UNU-WIDER. 458  
De Lombaerde, Philippe and Van Langenhove, Luk (2005). Indicators of Regional Integration: Methodological issues. Institute for International Integration Studies. 259  
Dutta, Indranil and Mishra, Ajit (2005). Inequality, Corruption, and Competition in the Presence of Market Imperfections. UNU-WIDER. 439  
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Aramini, Jeff J., Ellis, Andrea G., Marshall, Barbara J., Robertson, William J., Medeiros, Diane T. and Charron, Dominique F., (2005). Infectious Disease Outbreaks Related to Drinking Water in Canada, 1974-2001. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 254-259 617  
Schuster-Wallace, Corinne J., Ellis, Andrea G., Robertson, William J., Charron, Dominique F., Aramini, Jeff J., Marshall, Barbara J. and Medeiros, Diane T., (2005). Infectious Disease Outbreaks Related to Drinking Water in Canada, 1974-2001. Canadian Journal of Public Health, 96(4), 254-258 583  
Diederen, Bert, Mohnen, Pierre, Palm, Franz and Raymond, Wladimir (2005). Innovation in Enterprise Clusters: Evidence from Dutch Manufacturing. UNU-MERIT Research Memoranda. UNU-MERIT. 848 360
Innovative Communities: People-centred Approaches to Environmental Management in the Asia-Pacific Region, ed. Velasquez, Jerry, Yashiro, Makiko, Yoshimura, Susan and Ono,Izumi (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2005). 640 1447
Quartey, Peter (2005). Innovative Ways of Making Aid Effective in Ghana : Tied Aid Versus Direct Budgetary Support. UNU-WIDER. 488  
Grimm, Michael and Günther, Isabel (2005). Inter- and Intra-household Linkages Between the Informal and Formal Sector : a Case Study for Urban Burkina Faso. UNU-WIDER. 420  
International Commissions and the Power of Ideas, ed. Thakur, Ramesh, Cooper, Andrew F and English, John (Tokyo: UNU Press, 2005). 948 4247
Van Langenhove, Luk and Costea, Ana-Cristina (2005). Inter-regionalism and the Future of Multilateralism. UNU Institute on Comparative Regional Integration Studies. 257 170
Majumder, Amita and Chakravarty, Satya R. (2005). Intersociety Literacy Comparisons. UNU-WIDER. 454  
Hettne, Björn and Söderbaum, Fredrik, (2005). Intervening in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies: The Role of Regional Cooperation. European Journal of Development Research, 17(3), 449-461 260