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Benavides, Lucía, Avellán, Tamara, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea, "Assessing Sustainability of Wastewater Management Systems in a Multi-Scalar, Transdisciplinary Manner in Latin America" in The Challenges of Water Management and Governance in Cities (Basel, Switzerland: MDPI, 2019), 79-129. 1036  
Benavides, Lucía, Avellán, Tamara, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea, (2019). Assessing Sustainability of Wastewater Management Systems in a Multi-Scalar, Transdisciplinary Manner in Latin America. Water, 11(2), 1-51 1885  
Avellán, Tamara, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina, Müller, Andrea, Benavides, Lucia and Caucci, Serena, (2022). Co-Generating Knowledge in Nexus Research for Sustainable Wastewater Treatment.. Resources, 11(93), 25-n/a 213  
Avellán, Tamara, Benavides, Lucía, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea (2019). Hacia sistemas sostenibles de tratamiento de aguas residuals: Implementando el enfoque nexo en dos casos en América Latina. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 840 223
Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina, Caucci, Serena, Müller, Andrea, Benavides, Lucia and Avellán, Tamara, (2023). Perceptions of Transdisciplinary Research – A Comparative Case Study from Latin America. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 5 100207-n/a 189  
Kirschke, Sabrina, Avellán, Tamara, Benavides, Lucía, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Müller, Andrea and Giraldo, Claudia Beatriz Rubio, (2022). Results-based management of wicked problems? Indicators and comparative evidence from Latin America. Environmental Policy and Governance, 1-14 396  
Avellán, Tamara, Benavides, Lucía, Caucci, Serena, Hahn, Angela, Kirschke, Sabrina and Müller, Andrea (2019). Towards Sustainable Wastewater Treatment Systems: Implementing a Nexus Approach in Two Cases in Latin America. United Nations University Institute for Integrated Management of Material Fluxes and of Resources (UNU-FLORES). 1431 1303