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Birkmann, Joern, Teichman, Korinna, Aldunce, Paulina, Bach, Claudia, Binh, Nguyen T., Garschagen, Matthias, Kanwar, Shalini, Setiadi, Neysa J., Thach, Le Ngoc and Oliver-Smith, Anthony (2009). Addressing the challenge: recommendations and quality criteria for linking disaster risk reduction and adaptation to climate change. DKKV Publication Series. 6905  
Bach, Claudia ed. Critical infrastructure vulnerability assessment 2012 (?) London. London: n/a, 2012. 685  
Birkmann, Joern, Bach, Claudia, Guhl, Silvie, Witting, Maximilian, Welle, Torsten and Schmude, Miron, (2010). State of the Art der Forschung zur Verwundbarkeit Kritischer Infrastrukturen am Beispiel Strom/ Stromausfall. Schriftenreihe Forschungsforum Öffentliche Sicherheit Nr.2, 2 N/A-N/A 620  
Birkmann, Joern, Bach, Claudia and Vollmer, Maike, (2012). Tools for resilience building and adaptive spatial governance. Raumforschung und Raumordnung, 70(4), 293-308 618  
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, (2012). Verwundbare Systeme - Kritische Infrastrukturen und Extremwetterereignisse. Bevölkerngsschutz, 1 41-44 524  
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, "Vulnerability of water and electricity supply to natural hazards" in Disaster management and risk reduction: role of environmental knowledge ed. Gupta, A.K., Nair, S.S., Bemmerlein-Lux, F. and Chatterji, S. (New Delhi: Narosa Publishing House, 2013), 271-284. 465  
Bach, Claudia and Birkmann, Joern, "Vulnerability of water and wlectricity supply to natural hazards" in Disaster management and risk reduction: role of environmental knowledge ed. Gupta, Aarti (New Delhi: Narosa, 2013), 271-284. 497  
Münzberg, Thomas, Ludäscher, Simon and Bach, Claudia, (2013). Wie Lastreduzierungen Netzzusammenbrüche verhindern können und welches Dilemma daraus für den Bevölkerungsschutz und die Gefahrenabwehrplanung resultiert. Bevölkerungsschutz, 36-39 449