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de Boer, John and Muggah, Robert, (2016). Are aid agencies ready to deal with war, terrorism, and crime in cities?. Thomson Reuters Foundation, n/a-n/a 592  
de Boer, John, (2015). Can Cities Drive Sustainable Development in Fragile and Conflict-Affected States?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 674  
de Boer, John and Patel, Ronak (2016). Chapter 7: Resilience in the future: 2025 and beyond. International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies. 579 240
de Boer, John, Muggah, Robert and Patel, Ronak (2016). Conceptualizing City Fragility and Resilience. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 535 1378
Bosetti, Louise, Cockayne, James and de Boer, John (2016). Crime-Proofing Conflict Prevention, Management, and Peacebuilding: A Review of Emerging Good Practice. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 732 1452
de Boer, John, Garzon Vergara, Juan Carlos and Bosetti, Louise (2017). Criminal Agendas and Peace Negotiations: the Case of Colombia. Crime-Conflict Nexus Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 409 369
Cockayne, James, de Boer, John and Bosetti, Louise (2017). Going Straight: Criminal Spoilers, Gang Truces and Negotiated Transitions to Lawful Order. Crime-Conflict Nexus Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 539 629
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, Bosetti, Louise, Chandran, Rahul, Cockayne, James, de Boer, John and Wan, Wilfred (2014). Major Recent Trends in Violent Conflict. Occasional Paper. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 868 895
von Einsiedel, Sebastian, Bosetti, Louise, Chandran, Rahul, Cockayne, James, de Boer, John and Wan, Wilfred (2016). Major Recent Trends in Violent Conflict. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 689 5121
Bosetti, Louise, Cooper, Hannah, de Boer, John and Munshey, Menaal, (2016). Peacekeeping in Cities: Is the UN Prepared?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, N/A-N/A 431  
de Boer, John (2015). Resilience and the Fragile City: Reducing Vulnerability to Complex Urban Crises. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 614 988
de Boer, John, (2014). Striving for Success: Will We Agree When It’s Achieved?. Global Think Tank Watch, n/a-n/a 379  
de Boer, John and Bosetti, Louise (2017). The Crime-Conflict Nexus: Assessing the Threat and Developing Solutions. Crime-Conflict Nexus Series. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 384 963
de Boer, John and Bosetti, Louise (2015). The Crime-Conflict “Nexus”: State of the Evidence. Occasional Paper. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research. 988 9197
de Boer, John, (2015). The Fragile City: The Epicentre of Extreme Vulnerability. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 444 1
Medhora, Rohinton P. and de Boer, John, (2015). The rise and influence of the foreign policy think tank. OpenCanada, n/a-n/a 401  
de Boer, John, (2015). The sustainable development fight will be won or lost in our cities. The World Economic Forum, n/a-n/a 402  
de Boer, John, (2015). Time to take the challenge of rapid urbanization in fragile contexts seriously. Knowledge Platform Security & Rule of Law, n/a-n/a 356  
de Boer, John, (2015). 24 ways to reduce crime in the world’s most violent cities. The Gardian, n/a-n/a 404  
de Boer, John, (2015). What Are Think Tanks Good for?. United Nations University Centre for Policy Research, n/a-n/a 516  
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