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Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo (2012). Determinants of quadic patenting: Market access, imitative threat, competition and strength of intellectual property rights. UNU-MERIT. 961 474
Huang, Can and Jacob, Jojo, Determinants of Quadic Patenting: Market Access, Imitative Threat, Competition and Strength of Intellectual Property Rights. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 318   0
Jacob, Jojo and Soete, Luc, "Emerging Knowledge Economies" in Multinationals and Emerging Economies: The Quest for Innovation and Sustainability ed. Dolfsma, W., Duysters, G. and Costa, I. (). 270  
Duysters, Geert, Jacob, Jojo, Lemmens, Charmianne and Hu, Jintian (2008). Internationalization and Technological Catching Up of Emerging Multinationals: A Case Study of China’s Haier Group. UNU-MERIT. 1278 914
Duysters, Geert, Jacob, Jojo, Lemmens, Charmianne and Jintian, Yu, (2009). Internationalization and technological catching up of emerging multinationals: a comparative case study of China's Haier group. Industrial and Corporate Change, 325-349 978  
Jacob, Jojo and Szirmai, Adam, International knowledge spillovers to developing countries: the case of Indonesia. Review of Development Economics, (3), 304  
Jacob, Jojo, Late Industrialization and Structural Change: Indonesia, 1975-2000. Oxford Development Studies, (3 & 4), 268  
Jacob, Jojo and Meister, Christoph, Productivity Gains, Technology Spillovers, and Trade: Indonesian Manufacturing, 1980-1996. Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, (1), 278  
Jacob, Jojo, Belderbos, René and Gilsing, Victor, Technology alliances in emerging economies: persistence and interrelation in European firms’ alliance formation. R&D Management, 229   0
Belderbos, René, Gilsing, Victor and Jacob, Jojo (2011). Technology alliances in emerging economies: Persistence and interrelation in European firms' alliance formation. UNU-MERIT. 945 9236 0