Brookfield, Harold, Christine Padoch, Parsons, Helen, Stocking, Michael, Brookfield, Muriel, Daniel J. Zarin, Huijun Guo, Lewis Enu-Kwesi, Yongneng Fu, Zhiling Dao, Kevin Coffey, Gyasi, Edwin A., Kojo Sebastian Amanor, Kaihura, Fidelis, Oduro, William, P. Ndondi, E. Kemikimba, David McGrath, Tereza Ximenes, Fernando Rabelo et al., Cultivating Biodiversity: Understanding, Analyzing, and Using Agricultural Diversity, ed. Brookfield, Harold, Christine Padoch, Parsons, Helen and Stocking, Michael (London: ITDG Oublishing, 2002).
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Geoff Humphreys, Adilson Serrão, David McGrath, Christine Padoch and Deborah Lima Ayres (1994). PLEC News and Views – February 1994. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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Brookfield, Harold, Parsons, Helen, Miguel Pinedo-Vasquez, Christine Padoch, David McGrath, Tereza Ximenes, Emmanuel Owusu-Bennoah, Lewis Enu-Kwesi, Elizabeth Ardayfio-Schandorf, Mariama Awumbila, Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Gordana, Gandaa, Bizoola, Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth M., Hugh Semple and Balfour Spence (2000). PLEC News and Views – June 2000. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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Brookfield, Harold, David McGrath, Oriana Almeida, Marcelo Crossa, Alcilene Cardoso, Márcio Cunha, Balfour Spence, Thomas-Hope, Elizabeth M., Zhiling Dao, Huijun Guo, Kranjac-Berisavljevic, Gordana, Abubakari Seini and Emmanuel Nartey (2005). PLEC News and Views – March 2005. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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David McGrath, Urbano Lopes da Silva and Nefi Marcelo Martinelli Crossa (1997). PLEC News and Views – May 1997. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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Brookfield, Harold, Miguel Vasquez, Christine Padoch, David McGrath, Marcelo Crossa, Cristina Chávez-Mejía, Gabino Nava-Bernal, Carlos Arriaga-Jordan, Sekou Fofana and Amirou Diallo (1998). PLEC News and Views – November 1998. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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Brookfield, Harold, Stephen Brush, Kaihura, Fidelis, P. Ndondi, E. Kemikimba, Huijun Guo, Christine Padoch, Yongneng Fu, Zhiling Dao, Kevin Coffey, Antoinette WinklerPrins, David McGrath and Parsons, Helen (2000). PLEC News and Views – September 2000. PLEC (People Land Management and Ecosystem Conservation) News & Views. United Nations University and the Australian National University.
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